

空中英语教室 奥克兰 生活 人空中英语教室 奥克兰 生活 人

My homestay experiences were fantastic. Both families had two-story houses with no basements, which was very common. Both families watched sports on TV and also participed in a variety of sports. They told me that most New Zealand families love sports. They also told me about the friendliness and the rivalry between "kiwis"(New Zealanders) and "Aussies"(Australians).

My first host failiy, who lives in Cambridge, kept several pets including a goat. I'd never heard of anyone keeping a goat as a pet, but I found it was rather friendly!

In Tauranga I stayed with a family who were travel enthusiasts. They designed and built their own motor home and traveled in it for months at a time. One day, we bought fish and chips and drove the motor home to the ocean. When we got there, we rolled out the awning and unfolded a small table. Then we relaxed and enjoyed our unch to the sound of screeching sea birds and crashing waves.

The kiwifruit I ate with my host families tasted different from ones I get in Taiwan. In New Zealand, the kiwis ripen on the trees, so they tasted fresher and sweeter and were firmer.

空中英语教室 奥克兰 生活 人空中英语教室 奥克兰 生活 人

Word Bank:

I love this restaurant because it has a large variety dishes to choose from.

motor home(n)露营车
We drive our motor home when we go on vacation because we can sleep and eat in it.

Thescreechingchildren finally got quite when they caught the mouse.

ripen(v) 成熟
These straberries will ripen more quickly in the sunlight.

空中英语教室 奥克兰 生活 人空中英语教室 奥克兰 生活 人


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