Leonard: You are going to march yourself over there right now and apologise. (Sheldon laughs.) What’s funny?

Sheldon: That wasn’t sarcasm?

Leonard: No.

Sheldon: Wooh, boy, you are all over the place this morning. (Knocks on Penny’s door.) I have a masters and two PhD’s, I should not have to do this.

Penny (opening door): What?

Sheldon: I am truly sorry for what happened last night, I take full responsibility. And I hope that it won’t colour your opinion of Leonard, who is not only a wonderful guy, but also, I hear, a gentle and thorough lover. (Penny closes door in his face.) I did what I could.

【释】强迫(某人)走, to force somebody to walk somewhere with you.(牛津高阶,下同)
【例】She was marched out of the door and into a waiting car. 她被强迫离开房间进入车中

you are all over the place
【释】in a state of disorder (Collins,下同) 凌乱
【例】my hair was all over the place 我的头发真是乱极了

【释】to influence or distort (something, esp a report or opinion (Collins, 下同)
【例】anger colored her judgment 愤怒影响到了她的判断力

上一期:生活大爆炸S01E02 MJE美剧笔记:不请自来的Sheldon
