( 恋爱配对中心的老板一脸的凄凉:"对不起, Ted, 我找不到你的另一半"... )

<听写方式: 填写对话缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号>
Ted: Hi, Ellen. I think I want my money back.
Woman: I'm a failure. ____1____ I tried everything, Ted. I widened the search parameters, I tweaked the program. ____2____ No takers. Although this transvestite hooker said he/she would do you for half price because you kind of look like John Cusack and his/her favorite movie was Say Anything...
Ted: Come on, Ellen. I mean, a pint of ice cream. Isn't that a bit clich?
Woman: It's for the bourbon.
Ted: This isn't hopeless. You're gonna find someone for me.
Woman: No, I won't. You're gonna die alone.
Ted: I'm not gonna die alone. Look at me. I'm bright. I'm attractive. You just gotta get back out there and keep looking.
Woman: No. You're never gonna find anybody. ____3____
Ted: You're being ridiculous. ____4____
Woman: No, you won't!
Ted: Yes, I will!
Woman: How do you know?
Ted: I don't know, but I believe. Hell, if a cockroach and a mouse can find love in this crazy city, then damn it, so can I!

最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D
I'm all washed up. Last night, I stood out on the street for five hours showing your photo to random pedestrians. And every year, you're just getting older and it's getting harder and harder. I'm gonna be up on that wall one of these days.
Ted: 嗨, Ellen 我想要回我的钱 Woman: 我真失败 我全搞砸了. 我什么都试过了, 泰德, 我扩大了搜寻参数,在系统中搜索. 昨晚我站在大街上, 5个小时拿着你的照片希望能在行人中找到合适的人, 没人愿意. 尽管那些易装妓女说.. 他/她愿意半价让你上, 因为你长的象John Cusack 他/她最喜欢的电影明星 Ted: 别这样, Ellen. 我说, 一盒冰淇淋是不是太老套了 Woman: 这是用来装波旁的(一种威士忌酒) Ted: 别绝望. 你会给我找到合适的人的 Woman: 不, 我找不到. 你会孤独至死 Ted: 我不会孤独到死. 看看我, 我聪明, 我有吸引力. 你只要振作起来继续寻找 Woman: 不, 你永远找不到任何人适合你. 每过一年你就老一岁, 这就会变的更加困难 Ted: 这太可笑了, 不多久我将会出现在这面墙上 Woman: 不, 你不会 Ted: 不, 我会 Woman: 你怎么知道 Ted: 我不清楚, 但是我相信! 如果一只蟑螂和老鼠能在这城市找到真爱. 那么, 他妈的, 我也能