2)      非限制性定语从句

非限制性定语从句常常被译成并列分句 , 附于被修饰部分或者整个主句之后 .

This type of meter is called multimeter, which is used to measure currents, voltages and resistances.

这种仪表叫做万用表 , 用来测量电流 , 电压和电阻 . (见上海新东方的《中级口译笔试备考精要》和《高级口译笔试备考精要》二书)


The minor internal motions of the atmosphere, which was known as winds, depart only in a small way from the movement of this envelope as a whole.

大气微小的内部运动 , 即我们所说的风 , 仅与整个大气层的运动稍微不太一一致 . (见上海新东方的《中级口译笔试备考精要》和《高级口译笔试备考精要》二书)

状语译法 : 时间 , 原因 , 结果 , 转折 , 让步 , 条件 , 目的

n A.An organization that has open lines of communication with valid,honest information going up,down,and through the organization will be much more effective and a much better place to work than the organization that attempts to restrict the flow of information or distort and deceive.(2000,3, 中级口译笔译真题 )

n 如果一个机构有着公开的交流渠道,内部上下沟通,信息真实可靠,那么和一个企图限制信息交流或进行歪曲和欺骗的机构相比,就将更具有工作效率,也是一个更佳的工作场所。

n   B.The idea fo a national ID,however,was knocked out of earlier drafts of legislation by a coalition of civil rights and ethnic groups,who opposed a requirement that all non-citizens carry identifying documents.(2002,9, 中级口译笔译真题 )


n C.Sounds sweet for Michigan State,but it’s not so terrific for federal taxpayers,who will almost certainly wind up shelling out $23.5 million more each year as a result of the change.(2004,3, 中级口译笔译真题 )

n 虽然这听起来对于密歇根州来说是件好事,然而对于广大的联邦纳税人来说却不是,因为由于这个改变,几乎可以肯定他们每年会多缴纳多达 2350 万美元的税款。



n A.Deflation could emerge from simultaneous slumps in the world’s three major economies.(2003,9, 中级口译笔译真题 )

n 如果世界上三个主要的经济强国同时出现经济衰退的话,通货紧缩的问题就会随之出现。

n B.But failure to come to terms with them will drive a wedge between all of us and a prosperous,healthy future for this country.(2004,9, 中级口译笔译真题 )

n 但是如果不能就这些问题达成一致的话,我们国家就不会拥有一个繁荣,稳定的未来。

n C.Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us only the choice of brave resistance or the most abject submission.(2000,3, 高级口译笔译真题 )

n 敌人冷酷无情,我们要么顽强抵抗,要么屈膝投降。  

四, 单词,句型复杂化

很多同学之所以在翻译大意忠实于原文的基础上得不到高分,是由于用词和用句过于老套刻板,循规蹈矩,不知变通。所以使得翻译出的文章缺乏新意,没有亮点,自然最后的得分也沦为平庸。最明显的是在一些常见的表达方式上,很多同学不能够做到有所变化。如我非常希望 …… ,很多同学不假思索就写出 I hope, 殊不知除此之外,还有很多种其他的表达方式,如 my aspiration is that…, I have been longing for… 等。据统计数字表明, according to the number 可以改成 as it displayed from the statistics 。大幅攀升, increase greatly 可以改成 soar,   rocket, surge 等。

  以上几点希望同学们在平时的翻译练习中心中有数,灵活运用,从而可以使得自己在考试中有条不紊,见招折招,所有的难点自当会迎刃而解。更多的口译笔试冲刺策略可以在我们新东方的“历年权威口译备考资料汇总!!! ”得到。祝大家考试成功!
