6. Letting work fall through the cracks. If you don’t do what you say you’re going to do—whether it’s as small as responding to an email or forwarding a document or as big as meeting a project deadline—your boss will conclude that she can’t count on you to keep your word.
6. 工作拖沓,不信守承诺。不论是回复邮件、转发文件这样的小事,还是项目如期完工这样的大事,承诺要做,却不去做。在老板的心目中,你将被认为是不靠谱的人。

7. Doing only the basics and not anything more. Doing a merely adequate job isn’t enough these days. With so many qualified job seekers available for hire, you need to go above and beyond in order to be seen as valuable to your boss. If you’re simply meeting minimum expectations, your boss can quickly find someone who will do more.
7. 安于现状,不思进取。如今仅做力所能及的可不行。许多优秀人才觊觎着你的职位。你需要好好表现,以期得到老板的赏识。如果你只能达到最低期望值,老板会很快就能找到人来取代你。

8. Caring more about having friends at work than about doing a good job. It’s great to get along with the people you work with, but if you’re chit-chatting when you should be working or gossiping about the boss, your bonding sessions may quickly leave you without a job.
8. 重关系,轻实干。与同事友好相处至关重要,但是,该工作时,你却顾着闲聊或散布老板的八卦,你的那些关系也可能很快就让你失业。

9. Taking feedback badly. If you get upset, offended, or angry when your boss gives you feedback on your work, you’re making it hard (and painful) for your boss to do her job. Worse yet, she might start avoiding giving you important feedback that you need to hear.
9. 不虚心听取反馈意见。老板对你的工作提出意见时,如果你表现得很恼火、很受伤或很生气,老板的工作就难以顺利进行。更糟的是,你可能不会再从老板那里得到你所需要的重要反馈意见了。

10. Hiding things. Hiding things—work that isn’t getting done, an angry client, a missed deadline, the fact that you don’t really know how to use that software—is one of the worst things you can do on the job. If your boss isn’t confident that you’ll give her bad news directly or be forthright about a problem, you’ll destroy her trust in you.