玛莉·里昂(Mary Lyon, 1797 - 1849),这位传奇女性以她战略的眼光,坚定的信念,无以伦比的勇气和毅力,以及她对真理,对知识孜孜不倦的追求和热爱,改写了世界女性史,革命了世界教育格局,开辟了女性高等教育之路。
Mary Lyon
Mary Lyon was born in Buckland, Massachusetts, in 1797. Her father died when she was five years old. For Mary, hard work was a way of life. But she later remembered with great pleasure her childhood years in the home where she was born. This is how she described what she could see from that house on a hill: "The far-off mountains in all their grandeur, and the deep valleys, and widely extended plains, and more than all, that little village below, containing only a very few white houses, but more than those young eyes had ever seen."