玛莉·里昂(Mary Lyon, 1797 - 1849),这位传奇女性以她战略的眼光,坚定的信念,无以伦比的勇气和毅力,以及她对真理,对知识孜孜不倦的追求和热爱,改写了世界女性史,革命了世界教育格局,开辟了女性高等教育之路。
Mary Lyon
At the age of four, Mary began walking to the nearest school several kilometers away. Later, she began spending three months at a time with friends and relatives so she could attend other area schools. She helped clean and cook to pay for her stay. When Mary was 13, her mother re-married and moved to another town. Mary was left to care for her older brother who worked on the family farm. He paid her a dollar a week. She saved it to pay for her education. Mary's love of learning was so strong that she worked and saved her small amount of pay so she could go to school for another few months. Mary began her first teaching job at a one-room local school teaching children for the summer. She was 17 years old. She was paid 75 cents a week. She also was given meals and a place to live. Mary Lyon was not a very successful teacher at first. She did not have much control over her students. She always was ready to laugh with them. Yet she soon won their parents' respect with her skills.