
<听写方式: 填写缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号>
D: I don't know how I remember that.
G: Well, [---1---] Typical. His last name's not Adler. It''s rosson. Does that mean anything to you?
V: [---2---]
S: Oh, I thought about it.
V: And?
S: I thought about you. I called my parents. [---3---] I told them what I needed to do, and they didn't take it very well. I was just hoping that I wouldn't have to go through telling Rufus alone.
V: You don't.
D: Scott Rosson... He wrote me that after reading my short story in "the New Yorker."
G: [---4---] So he's kinda like your stalker?
D: I guess.
G: How rock star is that?
D: Hey, Vanessa. Uh, it'''s me. Look, [---5---] And I don't know. He...he could be dangerous.
Um, please call me.
least he was honest about sports. I figured you'd probably be halfway back to Boston by now. I had it out with them. Fan letter? Scott is not who he says he is.
D:还以为我忘了 G:至少他说自己喜欢足球是真的 典型的撒谎者 他不姓阿德勒 是罗森 你想起来点什么吗 V:我还以为你已经在回波士顿的路上了 S:我想过这么做 V:然后呢 S:我想到了你 我打给了我的父母 把一切都告诉了他们 我告诉他们我必须做的事 但是他们不太能接受 我只是希望 我可以不用自己一个人去找鲁弗斯 V:你不会的 D:斯科特·罗森 他写信给我 在读完我在《纽约客》发表的小说之后 G:粉丝来信吗 所以他在跟踪你吗 D:我想是的 G:这不是摇滚明星才会遇到的事吗 D:喂 瓦内萨 是我 听着 斯科特并不像他自己说的那样 而且我不确定 他可能是个危险人物 请给我回电话