
文章开头:The history of English in ten minutes. Chapter one, Anglo-Saxon or whatever happened to the Jutes.

The history of English in ten minutes. Chapter one, Anglo-Saxon or whatever happened to the Jutes. The English language begins with the phrase "Up yours, Cesar!", as the Romans leave Britain and a lot of Germanic tribes started flooding in, tribes such as the Anglos and the Saxons, who together gave us the term "Anglo-Saxon", and the Jutes, who didn't. The Romans left some very straight roads behind, but not much of their Latin language. The Anglo-Saxon vocab was much more useful, as it was mainly words for simple, everyday things, like "house", "woman", "loaf", and "werewolf". Four of our days of the week were named in honour of Anglo-Saxon gods. They didn't bother with Saturday, Sunday and Monday, as they all had gone off for a long weekend. While they were away, Christian missionaries stole in, bringing with them leaflets about jumble sales and more Latin. Christianity was a hit with the locals, and made them much happier to take on funky new words from Latin, like "martyr", "bishop", and "font". Along came the Vikings, with their action-man words, like "drag", "ransack", "thrust" and "die". They may have raped and pillaged, but they were also into "give" and "take", two of around 2,000 words they gave English, as well as the phrase "watch out for that man with the enormous axe!".
10分钟英语历史,第一章:盎格鲁-撒克逊,或,谁管朱特人发生了什么。 英语起源于一个短语"Up yours, Cesar!"(凯撒,我草泥马),当时罗马人离开了英国,而许多日耳曼部落蜂拥而至,像盎格鲁人和撒克逊人,组成了今天的盎格鲁-撒克逊,还有什么都没留下的朱特人。 罗马人留下了几条笔直的大路,拉丁语倒是没留下多少。盎格鲁-撒克逊语言更实用些,因为他们的语言很简洁,说的都是些日常事物,譬如"house", "woman", "loaf", 和 "werewolf"。我们一周4天是根据盎格鲁-撒克逊诸神命名的。他们不太在意周六,周日和周一,因为他们周末漫长。在他们欢度周末之际,基督传教士潜了进来,随之而来的还有他们杂物拍卖的宣传页和更多的拉丁语。基督教和本地人一拍即合,让他们愉快的接受了一些拉丁语中古怪的新词汇,譬如"martyr", "bishop", 和 "font"。一起来的还有维京人以及他们战士的语言,如"drag", "ransack", "thrust" 和 "die"。他们在当地也许奸淫掳掠,但也知取舍,"give" and "take",包括这两个词他们一共给英语贡献了大约2000个词,和一个成语,"watch out for that man with the enormous axe!"(提防身携巨斧的人???)