
老规矩:不用标序号,一空一行哈~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻...

Elena: ________1_________
Stefan: None. ________2__________ They’re either sloppy, or they're trying to send a message.
Elena: And you're sure it's not Damon.
Stefan: Well, I’m never sure about Damon, but he's been trying to keep a low profile lately, so it just doesn't make any sense to me.
Elena: So what are you gonna do?
Stefan: Damon's tracking them right now. ________3________ _______4________
Elena: When I saw you, I... thought you were coming to say good-bye.
Stefan: Not yet.

So you have no idea who it could be? But it must be somebody new, because leaving a body like that. Look, I promised you the truth, so I wanted to tell you. I want you to be careful.
Elena:你关于那个吸血鬼一点头绪都没有? Stefan:没有,肯定是新吸血鬼,要不然留下那样的尸体,他们要不是很粗心,就是在传递什么信息。 Elena:你确认那不是Damon干的? Stefan:我不确定是不是Damon 但... 他最近一直很低调,要是他做得就有点说不通。keep a low profile: 保持低姿态;避免引人注目 Elena:你准备怎么办? Stefan: Damon现在正在找他们。我答应过告诉你事实的,我想告诉你,希望你能小心点。 Elena:当我看到你,我以为你是来和我告别的。 Stefan:还没呢。