
老规矩:不用标序号,一空一行哈~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻...第三空有两句话哦~~
Elena: Stefan? Stefan?
Stefan: Yes.
Elena: Where is Vicki?
Stefan: She's upstairs.
Elena: ________1________Because my brother is out there searching for her with the rest the town. What do I tell him?
Stefan: ________2_________But it's gonna take time. She's a very volatile and impulsive personality. She is a drug user. I mean all that's gonna play a part in how she responds to this.
Elena: So she is a vampire with issues? _________3__________ What's gonna happen to her?
Stefan: __________4___________
What happens now? I'm working with her. What am I supposed to do? Because I am lying to everyone that I care about. I'm gonna keep her here with me until I know that she is safe.
Elena: Stefan?Stefan? Stefan:在这里 Elena: Vicki在哪儿 Stefan:在楼上 Elena:现在什么情况, 我弟弟正和镇里的人一起在满世界找她, 我该怎么说? Stefan:我正在帮Vicki,但是需要时间。她非常反复无常,容易激动。她还吸毒。那些都会对她有很大的影响。 Elena:那她会是个问题吸血鬼?我该怎么做?我正在对所有我关心的人撒谎。她还有什么变化呢? Stefan:我会看着她的,直到她一切安好。