史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)是苹果公司的前任首席运行官兼创办人之一,2009年被财富杂志评选为这十年美国最佳CEO,同年当选时代周刊年度风云人物之一。2011年8月24日,原首席执行官,乔布斯辞去CEO,不过仍担任董事会主席。



P.S. 答案可能会有某些地方听不太清楚,可能会有错误,希望大家多多指出,感谢感谢

iPad 2
Apple store
Mr. Steve Jobs
And I can assure you, I even have, you know, my iPad 2 here, which I love, you know, so cooperate with me, but you know, it's a wonderful technology and my 11-year-old girl just loves this iPad 2. Good. Yeah. The problem with putting an Apple store in Cupertino is just isn't the traffic. So I'm afraid it might not be successful. If we thought it would be successful, we'd love to. We'll help you make it successful. Again, thank you very much for coming with me. I'm sure that you guys are very lucky to hear this very historical moment that, you know, you hear about 5 years ago, was it Chris? That you made the announcement you bought the 55 acres then you bought another 100 acres from HP. And Apple is truly the technology of innovation and our city staff and city council looks very forward to working with you and helping you succeed here in our community. Thank you very much. Let's give a big round of applause for Mr. Steve Jobs. Thank you.
你敢开,我就敢买,看看我手头的iPad2我的心头肉啊,iPad2是个好iPad, 我11岁的闺女都爱不释手。 在Cupertino开苹果店估计行不通,虽然离得近,但我觉得运营效果不会很理想,如果能成功,我们会不开吗? 放心,我们会帮助你成功的。再一次感谢乔总,在座的各位你们有幸见证了这历史性的时刻。5年前乔总宣布买下收了155英亩地,5年后这块地将变成苹果园,激动吖。论创新技术,苹果确实没得说,我们这帮人很乐意帮你在Cupertino取得成功。 非常感谢。 给乔总来点掌声。感谢。