史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)是苹果公司的前任首席运行官兼创办人之一,2009年被财富杂志评选为这十年美国最佳CEO,同年当选时代周刊年度风云人物之一。2011年8月24日,原首席执行官,乔布斯辞去CEO,不过仍担任董事会主席。



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Mr. Jobs
Homestead High School
Los Gatos
But you know, when Chris and I met Mr. Jobs, you know, I found a little bit more about him is that actually he's a hometown boy graduated from Cupertino Middle school where my daughter is going, Homestead High School. So, Mr Jobs is very well familiar with the City of Cuperino. So, we're very fortunate that you founded here in Cuperino. You started to expand here in Cupertino. There're many choices across the country and I'm sure that many governors and many mayors said please come to us, but you decided to stay here and I think it's because Cupertino is such and innovative place, a diverse place, and education-wise that we have such wonderful schools here some other students on how they got awarded in our school that are doing so well. One thing that I wanna ask you is to keep in mind is giving back to the community and one thing that we would love to do. I'm sure that our staff will talk about is that we don't like going to Valley or Los Gatos for an Apple store. We would love to have an Apple store here Cupertino.
算起来,乔总是我老乡,和我女儿是校友。所以他对Cupertino非常熟悉,他把苹果种在这里,让它生根发芽。你本来可以去别的地方种苹果,而且我肯定别的城市也企图诱拐苹果,但是你最终决定留下,因为你觉得应该与Cupertino的创新和多元化不无关系。而且我们有很好的学校,咱们这儿的学生也个个出类拔萃,我只简单提点期望,希望你们回馈社会,为社区做点贡献,我们将感激不尽。Cupertino居然没有苹果专卖店,我和我的同事们不得不去Valley或Los Gatos去买苹果,我们非常希望有苹果专卖店在Cupertino。