史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)是苹果公司的前任首席运行官兼创办人之一,2009年被财富杂志评选为这十年美国最佳CEO,同年当选时代周刊年度风云人物之一。2011年8月24日,原首席执行官,乔布斯辞去CEO,不过仍担任董事会主席。



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So we're up roughly 40% in people versus what the site has been used for already and we're increasing the space to 3.1 million square feet. So 20% increases in space. The landscaping though increases by 350%, which is nice, the trees by 60%. The surface parking goes down by 90%. And so I think the overall feeling of the place is gonna be a zillion times better than it is now with all the asphalt. And the building footprint actually goes down by 30%. So, we wanna take the space and in many cases making it smaller.