Lily接受采访,被问及自己当年与Rufus的情感,not that much,╮(╯▽╰)╭

<听写方式: 填写缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号>
Rufus Humphrey 鲁弗斯·汉弗瑞
C: Tell me where you took this photograph,
What undoubtedly could be called the band's most well-known image?
L: Uh, well, I wouldn't go that far.
C: Well, I would. It's positively iconic.
L: Excuse me?
Rufus Humphrey, lead singer of lincoln hawk.
Was this before or after--
L: Oh, well, I simply don't feel comfortable discussing anything other than my work.
Why'd you give up photography?
Was it too hard to continue shooting after you had broken his heart?
L: Um, just--just a moment, please.
D: Oh. you know, [---3---], so I'll...
L: No, I have to say I have never been happier to see you, dan.
D: Well, I've been waiting downstairs for Serena.
I-i figured she has to come home... sometime soon.
So have you heard from her?[---4---]
Pretty sure she lost her phone.
Charles said he was going over to Blair's to pick
Her up right after you left earlier. maybe try there.
D: Ah, yes. "Charles." Charles. of course. thank you so much.
L: Listen,[---5---]
But I'm simply gonna have to ask you to leave
because I have a wedding to attend--my own.
C: Do you think you were able to take such incredible photos of
Rufus humphrey because of how much you were in love with him?
L: Well, I wasn't in-- in love with him...
Um... that much.

绯闻女孩系列已经有自己的节目咯,欢迎戳这里(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
Were you and Rufus Humphrey already involved when you took it? I was talking about your work. I see I'm interrupting Have you tried calling? I really appreciate your coming all the way to the palace to conduct this interview.
C: 你是在哪里照的这张照片 这张可以说是那个乐队最著名的照片了 L: 我不想说太多这个 C: 我想 这是张很不错的肖像照 -照这张照片时你和鲁弗斯已经在一起了? - L: 什么? C: 鲁弗斯·汉弗瑞 林肯霍克乐队的主唱 是之前还是之后? L: 我不想谈论任何工作以外的事情 C: 我谈的就是你的工作 你为什么放弃摄影? 是不是当你伤了他的心之后就很难专心摄影? L: 请稍等一会 D: 好像打扰到你了 那么我... L: 没有 现在能见到你我再高兴不过了 D: 我在楼下等瑟琳娜 我想她迟早是要回家的 L: 你有她的消息吗? 你给她打电话了吗? 她把电话弄丢了 你走后查尔斯说他要去布莱尔家接她的 也许你可以去那里找找 D: 是的 查尔斯 当然 谢谢 L: 十分感激你大老远来我家,做这个采访 但现在请你离开 因为我得参加我的婚礼了 C: 你认为当时能为鲁弗斯·汉弗瑞拍下这些照片 是不是因为你那时深深的爱着他? L: 我没有和他相爱... ...的那么深