资料来源:《Drew和Nancy的美国生活英语》 大连理工大学出版社)

〖Doing Laundry〗
<听写方式: 填空, 一空一词, 不用带数字序号>
The next day Kevin and Lo go to the Laundromat around the corner.
A: Oh, man, my clothes ____1____ after all that work we did yesterday!
B: Yep, mine too. It's definitely time to do ____2____. This Laundromat is pretty nice! It's clean, the machines seem pretty new, and the people seem pretty normal!
A: Yeah, let's just hope the machines don't eat all of our ____3____.
B: Yeah, so how does this work exactly?
A: basically you put your clothes in the washing machine. You pour some ____4____ in, but be careful not to use too much! Then, you put a few ____5____ in the machine and press the start button!
B: What about all the selections and cycles?
A: Well, either way your clothes will get clean. If you want the advanced course, though, choose hot water for whites and cold water for colors. You know you're supposed to separate your light and dark colored clothes, right?
B: Whoops! Well, I do now.
A: For most ____6____ clothes a normal cycle is fine. For nicer ____7____ like ____8____ and ____9____ you can choose a delicate wash cycle so that your clothes don't get ruined.
B: How do you know which water level to select?
A: You just want all your clothes to be ____10____ under water so that they get clean. You learn with experience but a high setting is a safe bet.

最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D

stink laundry quarters detergent quarters cotton fabrics linen silk submerged
<本期重点词汇> stink n.臭味 v.发出臭味 laundry n.要洗的衣服;洗好的衣服 detergent n.清洁剂 cotton n.棉花 ad.棉的 fabric n.织物 linen n.亚麻布 ad.亚麻的 silk n.丝绸 ad.丝的 <参考译文> 次日,凯文和罗去了街角的自助洗衣店。 A: 噢,伙计,昨天工作后,我衣服就散发着臭味。 B: 是啊,我的也是。绝对是该洗衣服了。这家自助洗衣店相当不错!很干净,机器看起来非常新,并且这里的员工相当正规! A: 是的,希望这的机器不会“吃”光我所有的硬币。 B: 是啊,这个到底怎么运行? A: 首先你要把衣服放到洗衣机里。倒进去一些清洁剂,但是要小心别倒太多了!然后,放进去几个硬币,按下开始的按钮。 B: 所有的选项和循环指令是怎么回事? A: 嗯,哪种都能洗干净你的衣服。如果你想要先进的程序,选择热水洗白色的衣服,冷水洗有色的衣服。你知道要把浅色的和深色的衣服分开,对吗? B: 啊,好了,我开始洗了。 A: 对于棉制的衣服,选择常规循环就可以了。对于亚麻和丝绸之类不错的织物,你可以选择柔洗,这样就不会损坏你的衣服了。 B: 怎么知道应该选择什么样的水位呢? A: 你要把所有的衣服都浸在水里,这样才能把它们都洗干净。通过尝试你就能知道放多少水了,但最高的一档是最保险的了。