资料来源:《Drew和Nancy的美国生活英语》 大连理工大学出版社)

<听写方式: 填空, 一空一词, 不用带数字序号>
S: This chocolate cake is so yummy! I like the whipped cream!
K: It's sweet just like you Sally!
M: Uh, Kevin, you need to work on your pickup lines!
L: Haha! ____1____(句子), do I, Mina?
M: No, not really.
K: Well, you might want to watch and learn, Lo.
S: You're so sweet Kevin.
L: Hmm. ____2____(句子)
M: You know, I have no idea what any of us like to do outside of the office? ____3____(句子)
S: I ride horses just outside of town. I have a horse there named Marigold, and she's gorgeous!
K: I play a lot of golf. Lo and I like to go on weekends.
L: I like to play basketball a lot as well.
M: Wow. I never knew you all had so many hobbies.
S: ____4____(句子), Mina?
M: I spend most of my weekends volunteering with inner city children. Some of them are behind in school or need help with reading so I work in their learning center.
K: That's really nice of you.
L: Yeah. Maybe I'll join you someday and help out.
S: Me too. ____5____(句子)
最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D

I never say sappy things like that to you Let's change the subject. What do you guys do in your spare time? What do you do in your free time Well, it's getting late so why don't we get the bill and head out?
<本期重点词汇> sappy n.愚笨的 <参考译文> S: 这巧克力蛋糕真好吃。我喜欢这些搅过的奶油。 K: 那么讨人喜欢,就像你,萨利。 M: 哦,凯文,你还是去哄你的素昧平生的那些女孩子们吧。 L: 哈哈,我从来就没和你说过这样的蠢话,是吧,麦娜。 M: 没有。 K: 那么你想跟着学吗?罗。 S: 你太可爱了,凯文。 L: 嗯, 我们换个话题吧 M: 我真不知道我们中的任何一个人在办公室以外的时间都干什么。你们是怎么度过你们的业余时间的? S: 我在郊外骑马。我有一匹叫做marigold的马,她非常棒。 K: 我打高尔夫球。我和罗周末经常去。 L: 我也喜欢打篮球。 M: 哦,我从来也不知道你们有这么多的业余爱好。 S: 你业余时间干什么,麦娜? M: 我大部分得周末时间都作为自愿者和贫民窟的孩子们在一起。他们中有些孩子在学校里学习落后或者需要提高阅读水平,我在他们的学习中心工作。 K: 你太好了。 L: 是啊,或许哪天我也和你一起去帮帮忙。 S: 我也去。哦,太晚了,我们结账走吧。