The financial crisis grows out of problems with mortgages, which are loans from a bank that helps a borrower to buy a home. The borrower must repay the loan, as well as additional charges called "interest." Interest is rent paid to the lender for the privilege of using the money for a specific peri…
美国的金融危机源于抵押贷款所带来的问题,抵押贷款指,借贷者从银行贷款来购买房屋。 借贷者必须还贷款,另外还要支付额外费用,即利息。利息是指在一段特定时间内因为享有使用资金的特权而向出借方支付的租金。 按照惯例,美国出借方都要求贷款对象提供证明以表明他们有能力挣到足够的钱来还贷款。 不是借款人连利息一起…