Last Friday, President Bush called for an economic growth package -- a plan to give a quick shot of energy to the slowing American economy. Now, the administration has an agreement with Democratic and Republican leaders in the House of Representatives. President Bush called the one hundred fifty bi…
上周五,美国总统布什呼吁制定经济增长的一揽子计划---该计划给放缓的美国经济注射一只强心针。当前,美国政府已经和众议院内民主党和共和党的领导人达成了协议。 对于周四达成的1500亿美元的方案,布什称经济刺激计划采取的政策正确,涉及的金额适当。他敦促国会尽快通过有关法案,称美国经济迫切需要采取行动。他说该计划将…