提示:Bajaur; Carla; Haddad
The International Committee of the Red Cross reports about 80% of those who have fled from Bajaur Agency are women and children. It says most of the men have remained behind to try to keep their livelihoods and to secure their property. The mass movement of people began a few weeks ago as fighting i…
国际红十字会报告说逃离巴焦尔的人约有80%是妇女和儿童。报告说,大多数的男性仍留下来设法保持他们的生计,并保护他们的财产。 随着巴基斯坦军队与基地组织武装反对部队和塔利班据点之间的交战加剧,大批人几星期前开始逃离。 红十字会大约一周前开始对流离失所的人采取人道主义行动。发言人卡拉哈达德说,该机构计…