It may look like a load of old rubbish. But the creator of this wonky bin has just won one of Britain's biggest art competitions. This year's Turner Prize went to Martin Boyce, who created the bin as part of a recreation of a park scene.

But despite its scruffy appearance, judges for the £25,000 prize said it was 'pioneering' and had a 'new sense of poetry'.

The bin has been bestowed with the lofty but rather confusing name, Northern Skies. It beat three other similarly unconventional exhibits to the prize –including a room of screwed up paper and a video of a floorboard.

Scottish-born Mr Boyce, 44, has said of his work: "When I make these pieces, I want them to feel like they have been found." His work is made from industrial materials and is thought to be inspired by modernist design.

沪江小编:特纳奖(Turner Prize)被认为是欧洲最重要和最有威信的视觉艺术大奖,该奖以英国绘画泰斗威廉-特纳(William Turner)的名字命名,以发展和推动先锋艺术为宗旨,奖金2.5万英镑。从1984年创立以来,英国电视第四频道每年都对颁奖仪式进行现场直播。