World War II
GI Joe
the United States Marines
By World War II, soldiers were called other names. The one most often heard was GI, or GI Joe. Most people say the letters GI were a short way to say general issue or government issue. The name came to mean several things. It could mean the soldier himself. It could mean things given to soldiers whe…
二战期间,战士们并非被称为“soldiers”,最普遍的叫法是GI或GI Joe。大多人认为GI是民用物资或军用物资的简称。后来它有了多种意义。它可以表示士兵,也可以表示士兵入伍时领到的东西,如武器、装备或军服。并且不知何故,它还表示“军纪严格”或“打扫军营以备检阅”。 士兵们经常说,“我们GI了这个地方。”有时一个地方…