FOUR people died and 21 others injured after a fire broke out this morning in Mong Kok, a downtown area of Kowloon, Hong Kong.

The four burnt bodies were found in a building in Fa Yuen Street after the blaze started around 4:40am local time, a spokeswoman from the police department said.

The injured have been sent to three different hospitals for treatment, she said. Firefighters are still trying to contain the fire.

Mong Kok is one of the most densely populated area in Hong Kong known to tourists for its traditional markets and small shops.


火灾发生地大排档(food stall)由于摊位密集,火势才会迅速蔓延。

听到火灾警报(fire alarm/warning)不要惊慌,迅速撤离到空旷的安全地带。

大火燃烧五小时尚未被熄灭(the fire has not been extinguished),造成严重人员伤亡和财产损失。

目前人员伤亡(casualties)数字不断上升,死亡人数(death count )增至8人。

事故原因(accident cause)目前尚未查明,有关部门应该做好受灾人员抢救和安置工作。
