
Q: Why shouldn't passengers pull the emergency brake when the train stops in the tunnel?
A: The train may pause while in the tunnel, but that doesn't necessarily involve an emergency. It may be an adjustment to keep a safe distance between two trains. Therefore, in this situation passengers should follow the broadcasted instructions instead of pulling the emergency brake to bring the train to an immediate stop. If the emergency brake is pulled, the crew will have to reset the braking function and get the train moving again, which adds time to the delay.


Q: Why shouldn't the passengers force open the door to get on?
A: During rush hour there is a heavy flow of passengers. Because of this, trains run more frequently. When the door buzzer alerts that the door is closing, please step back and wait behind the line. Any attempt to force open the door is dangerous and potentially damaging, as the entire subway line may have to be temporarily shut down. Patience and understanding is very much appreciated.


Q: What should the passengers pay attention to?
A: Wait behind the yellow safety line; refrain from sticking your head out when the train pulls in. Jumping into the tunnel is prohibited. This behavior is very dangerous and will severely disrupt the subway system. Passengers should not crowd around the doorway, which must be cleared of any objects in order to operate properly. Anyone who breaks the rules deliberately shall be held responsible for any undesirable consequences. If passengers drop anything onto the track, they should ask the subway staff for help.


Q: What should passengers do in case of an emergency in order to exit the subway safely?
A: If any accident occurs, e.g. fire, explosion, gas leak, resist from pulling the emergency brake while the train is still moving. If the train is brought to a halt, follow the broadcasted instructions and pull the emergency brake, exit from the front and back of the train. Once out of the train, evacuate under the instructions and assistance of the subway staff. Signs in the station will show the direction to the exit. In the case of a gas leak, cover your mouth and nose with wet paper tissue or cloth, stay near to the ground and evacuate. The most important is to remain calm and evacuate as soon as possible without any delay or hesitation and do not waste time collecting your belongings.
