1 valley n.山谷

Between those two hills is the most beautiful valley I’ve ever seen. 位于那两座山丘间的山谷是我所看过最美丽的山谷。

2 west coast n.西海岸

on the west coast and N.Y. is on the east. 洛杉矶位于西海岸,而纽约则位于东海岸。

3 neighbor n.邻居

That old man lives next door, and we’ve been neighbors for many years. 那个老人住在隔壁,我们做了很多年的邻居。

4 lead v.通向

I’m sure that this road leads to our destination. 我确定这条路可以通到我们的目的地。

5 mountain n.山

It is so cloudy on the mountain. 山上天气很阴。

6 several adj.几个

This car comes in several colors. 这款车有好几种颜色。

7 encounter n.偶然碰见;遭遇

I had an encounter with a bear and I was scared to death. 我碰见过熊,被它吓得要死。

8 raccoon n.浣熊

That raccoon was in the garbage again. 那只浣熊又在翻垃圾堆了。

9 squirrel n.松鼠

Those squirrels run along the branches so fast. 那些松鼠沿着树枝很快地跑着。

10 search for 寻找

Help me search for my keys. 帮我找我的钥匙。

11 finish v.完成

Finish your homework first before going out. 先做完家庭作业再出去。

12 scream v.尖叫

Are you ok? I heard you scream. 你还好吗?我听到你在尖叫。

13 cougar n.美洲狮

A cougar attacked my dog. 有只美洲狮攻击我的狗。

14 perch v.(在较高处) 暂歇;(鸟) 飞落;栖息

Victoria perched on one of the kitchen stools, waiting for her husband. 维多利亚坐在厨房凳子上等她先生。

15 pounce v.猛扑

The tiger was ready to pounce on me. 那只老虎准备向我扑过来。

16 giant adj.巨大的n.巨人

Every basketball player looks like a giant. 每个篮球选手看起来都像巨人一样。

17 scare off 吓跑

Don’t get closer, or you will scare off those cute birds. 不要再靠近了,不然你会把那些可爱的鸟给吓跑。

18 hiss v.发出嘶嘶声

I can hear a snake hiss. 我听到蛇发出的嘶嘶声。

19 shovel n.铁锹;铲子

Bring a shovel in case the snow is deep. 带把铲子,万一积雪太深便可派上用场。

20 swing at 对着……挥舞

That man was drunk and was swinging at everyone he saw with a beer bottle. 那个人喝醉了,不管看到谁都挥动手上的啤酒瓶。

21 thankful adj.感谢的;欣慰的

I am very thankful to you for saving me. 我很感谢你救了我。



【美】 Meredith Walker 著   陈怡芬 译