1 timid adj. 羞怯的;胆小的

Alfred felt timid as he approached the boss’s desk.艾尔弗瑞德走向老板办公桌时,觉得很害羞。

2 venture v./n. 冒险;投机活动

I have a moneymaking business venture opportunity for you.我有个赚钱的创业机会要告诉你。

3 biker bar 飙车族酒吧

The biker bar in our home town has steel walls and the bartender serves drinks behind bullet proof glass.我们家乡的飙车族酒吧四面都是钢墙,酒保还在防弹玻璃后面调酒。

4 Bronx n. 布朗克斯区(纽约市最北的一区)

I grew up in the Bronx. It was a rough neighborhood.我在布朗克斯区长大,真是不堪回首的童年。

5 clear v. 清除;使干净

We need to clear the weeds from the walkway or someone might trip over them.我们得清除走道上的杂草,以免有人绊倒。

6 throat n. 喉咙

I took some cough medicine to help soothe my sore throat.我吃了些咳嗽药,让喉咙痛好一点。

7 Doberman n. 德国短毛猎犬

My neighbor has three Dobermans in a kennel behind his house.我邻居在他家后面的养狗场,养了三只德国短毛猎犬。

8 parking meter 停车收费器

I received a parking ticket because my parking meter expired.我因为停车表超过时间而收到违规停车罚单。

9 biker n. 摩托车骑手

My friend’s dad is a biker, but he’s also the nicest person I’ve ever met.我朋友的父亲是名摩托车骑手,但他也是我见过最好的人。

10 leather n. 皮革

Some people refuse to use leather products because they refuse to have animals die for fashion.有些人拒绝使用皮革,因为他们不想为了时尚而牺牲动物的生命。

11 seam n. 接缝

The seam of my pants split; I must be getting fat.我一定是变胖了,裤子的接缝才会裂开。

12 stool n. 凳子

A stool usually only has three legs.凳子通常有三支脚。

13 quiver v. 发抖

The naughty boys quivered at the thought of being expelled from their school.那些顽皮的孩子一想到会被学校退学,就发起抖来。

14 squeak v./n. 吱吱声

I thought all the mice were killed from the rat poison, but last night I thought I heard a squeak.我以为所有的老鼠都被老鼠药给毒死了,但昨晚我觉得好像有听到吱吱声。

15 roar v./n.(狮、吼叫大叫;虎等)

At the circus, the lion tamer whipped the lion, and it let out a big roar.在马戏团,狮子驯兽师鞭笞着狮子,狮子大吼一声。

16 disbelief  n. 不信;怀疑

I stood in disbelief at the sight of an alien in my closet.我在衣橱里看到一个外星人,难以置信地愣在当场。

17 puppy  n. 小狗

I bought my son a puppy to help him learn responsibility.我买了只小狗给我儿子,让他学习什么叫做责任。

18 bull  v./n. 胡说

I thought everything that the fast talking salesman said was bull.我觉得那个很会花言巧语的推销员,讲的全都是屁话。



【美】 Meredith Walker 著   陈怡芬 译