1businessperson n.  实业家

The businessperson checked out of the hotel. 这名实业家从这间旅馆退房。

2profitable adj. 获利的

Her business became profitable this month. 她的生意这个月开始获利。

3 keep a secret 保密

She’s very good at keeping a secret. 她很会保守秘密。

4 except prep. 除……之外

Everybody was happy except Andrew. 每个人都很开心,只有安德鲁例外。

5 pretend v. 假装

Peter is trying to pretend he’s happy. 彼得假装很开心。

6 take care of  处理

I will take care of this project when you are away. 你不在时,我会处理好这个专案。

7 contract n. 合约

She was awarded the contract after nine months of hard work. 经过九个月的努力,她终于取得了合约。

8 sort v. 整理

After you did the laundry, you had to sort it out. 等你洗好衣服,你还得折衣服。

9 paperwork  n. 文书工作

We all don’t like to do paperwork. 我们都不喜欢文书工作。

10 confront v. 面对

Mr. Wang decided to confront the problems. 王先生决定面对问题。

11 employee  n. 员工

There are 300 employees working in this factory. 这家工厂有三百名员工。

12 illiterate adj. 文盲的

Children who go to school never grow up illiterate. 上学的小孩长大后不会变成文盲。

13 fear v. 畏惧

He fears he will be turned down. 他害怕他会被拒绝。

14 ridicule v. 嘲笑

I didn’t mean to ridicule the little boy. 我不是故意要嘲笑那个小男孩的。

15 comfort v. 安慰

It’s important to comfort those in grief. 安慰那些哀恸的人是很重要的。

16 nothing but 只有

There’s nothing but the truth. 只有事实,没别的。

17 tutor n. 家教

She worked as a tutor in her sophomore year. 她读大二时做过家教。

18 determination n. 决心

They made the determination to close the business. 他们下定决心结束营业。

19 award n. 授予的奖赏

Joseph received an award for his achievements. 约瑟获得成就奖。

20 triumph v. 获得胜利

He will triumph in the contest. 他会赢得比赛。

21 adversity n. 逆境

In spite of all adversity, he persisted. 不管遇到任何逆境,他仍旧坚持下去。

22 businesswoman n. 女实业家

It was not easy for a businesswoman to survive the competition. 女实业家很不容易在竞争中生存。

23 mentor n. 精神导师

Many people seek a mentor to guide them along in life. 许多人想找到精神导师在生命的路上指引他们。

24 struggle v. 奋斗

You have to struggle to stay awake. 你得努力保持清醒。

25 illiteracy n. 文盲

When there is no school system, there’s wide spread illiteracy. 如果没有学校制度,文盲现象就会到处都有。



【美】 Meredith Walker 著   陈怡芬 译