n. 酒吧

Before going home after work, my friends and I like to go to the bar for pitcher of beer. 下班后,我喜欢和朋友去酒吧喝一大杯啤酒再回家。

2.stare v. 凝视;盯

It was clear that Paul was tired because he walked around all day with a blank stare. 保罗显然很疲倦,因为他两眼无神地晃了一整天。

adj. 魁梧的;强壮的

The chief was a burly man with big arms and a hairy chest. 该名酋长是个手臂粗壮、胸部多毛的壮汉。

v./n. 大口喝;一大口

When I gulp down soda pop quickly, I get a burning sensation in my throat. 当我将汽水一饮而尽时,喉咙有股灼热感。

worst of one’s life 有生以来最倒霉

That movie was boring, it was the worst two hours of my life. 那部电影好无聊,真是我有生以来最倒霉的两小时。

v. 偷;窃取

The music industry says that it’s losing millions of dollars a year because people steal music by downloading it from the internet. 音乐界人士说,大家从网络上下载音乐这种偷窃行为,害他们每年损失数百万元。

n. 警察;警方

Someone had broken into our house so we phoned the police. 有人闯进我们家,我们便报了警。

n. 毒;毒药

We left rat poison near the hole where we saw mice. 我们在老鼠出没的洞口处放了老鼠药。



【美】 Meredith Walker 著   陈怡芬 译