  【2019年6月英语四级总分:710分】英语四级听力部分 =248.5分
  PartⅠ Writing 答案
  说明:写作部分占整套试卷的15% =106.5分
  这是一篇关于广告的议论文,考生应根据题目所给出的结构进行展开,千万不可因为熟悉“广告”这一题材就浮想联翩,下笔千言却离题万里。首先弄 清楚每一段的内容及各段之间有何联系,不要在写完了第一段之后,发现要写的第二段的内容已在前一段写过了,所以写之前先构思,找个腹稿,或在稿纸上写上要点。
  在范文中,第一段指出广告的目的有的是让消费者知道其产品和服务,但大多数广告是为 了说服人们买这而不是买那。第二段指出广告是推销产品的手段,做广告让消费者清楚某种品牌比其他的更有优势是十分必要的。即做广告的必要性及原因,最后一段写厂商做广告的起初原因是因为他们发现花一笔钱对其产品做广告总的来说比降价出售更有利。
  Sample Writing
  A certain amount of advertising is of an informative kind, the aim simply being to let consumers know what goods and services are available—“consumer education” as it is sometimes called. Most advertising, however, is of a persuasive or competitive kind, the aim of which is to persuade people to buy one thing rather than something else.
  Advertising is a selling cost particularly associated with imperfect competition. Advertising is a way of marketing goods. In the sale of branded goods, advertising is essential in order to try to impress on consumers that one maker's brand is superior to all others, although in fact the only difference between brands may sometimes be in their trade marks and labels.
  Any producer with some degree of monopoly, however slight, will generally find it more advantageous to advertise his products widely and at considerable expense rather than cut his prices.
  PartⅢ reading comprehension 分值说明
  说明:阅读部分占整套试卷的35% =248.5分
  1、选词填空一篇 5% 10个题,每小题3.55分
  2、长篇阅读一篇 10% 10个题,每小题7.1分。
  3、仔细阅读 20% 10个题 共2篇,一篇5个题,每小题14.2分。
  时间:40分钟 在这部分你要达到149分为及格,做对18个左右即可。
   Section A 答案解析
  26.【解析】 B。由空前的can决定此处用动词原形。本文主要讲理智的购物可以省很多钱的问题。你购买一件物品或者一份服务的方式确实可以让你省钱或者多花钱,所以此处空格填save,节省。
  28.【解析】C。如果你要买一个吹风机,当你选了一个外观你非常喜欢而且价格又是最便宜的,你可能会认为你买了最好的东西。Make the best buy即是说买了最好的东西。
  29.【解析】I。以怎样的价格用固定短语in price。最便宜的价格就是the cheapest in price。
  30.【解析】 K。此空填名词作不定式的主语。当你把它买回家,你才发现相较于较贵型号的吹风机,它要花两倍的时间来吹干你的头发。amore expensive model更贵的一款。
  31.【解析】 N。此空填动词作谓语与principles构成搭配。那么你外出购物时应该采用什么样的原则呢?adopt principles“采用原则”,principles需要用adopt来搭配。
  33.【解析】 D。由空前的a决定,此空填名词作buy的宾语。在你买一个新的_____之前,先与有这个物品的人交流一下。D选项符合句意。

   Section B 答案解析
  36.D).【题干译文】在哈勒姆村庄学校,老师们可以自己决定如何完成教学目标。【定位】由题千巾的Harlem Village Academics,teachers can decide themselves以及objectives定位到原文D)段倒数第三、四句:There’s a very clear set of standards for what the students need to know and be able to do at the end of cach year and we hold people accountable for that end goal;But We give them I complete freedom to decides how they’re going to achieve it,…
  【精解】由定位句可知,哈勒姆村庄学校对学生们到年末和季末需要掌握的知识有着明确标准,老师们负责达成这些目标,但是在达成目标的手段方面,老师们有绝对的自由。题干中的Call decide themselves和achieve the teaching objectives分别对应定位句中的give them complete freedom to decide和achieve it,故答案为D)。
  【定位】由题干中的charter movement和tenure system定位到原文F)段最后两句:The Charter movement is putting the needs of children first and is holding teacher>accountable.It challenges the notion of tenure(终身教职).where there’s no accountability at all.
  【精解】由定位句可知,公办民营学校优先考虑学生的需要,让老师承担其责任.这与老师原来的“终身教职”的概念不同。题干中的making children’s needs a priority和holding teachers responsible分别对应原文中的putting the needs of children first和holding teachers accountable,故答案为F)。
  【定位】由题干中的2,000 children in the next two years定位到原文G)段第一句,
  We are going to triple(增至三倍)in size in the next two years.和第三句:we’re starting two new elementary schools,we will be servin9 2,000 children...
  【精解】定位句提到,哈勒姆村庄学校未来两年内规模将扩大三倍。后面的二、三句均是在补充说明第一句,具体描述规模扩大的程度,其中第三句提到,哈勒姆村庄学校将新建两所小学,届时将能接收2000名学生。题干中的will be able to enroll 2.000 children对应原文中的we will be servin9 2,000 children,题干中的in the next two years对应G)段第一句,故答案为G)。
  【定位】由题干中的Deborah Kenny和learns a lot from other charter schools定位到原文c)段第一句:First of all,I have to say what we have in common with other charter schools because we have learned so much from them...
  【精解】由定位句可知,黛博拉•肯尼认为哈勒姆村庄学校与其他公办民营学校有相似之处,因为这些学校给予黛博拉•肯尼许多参考之处。题干中的learns a lot对应原文中的learned SO much,故答案为c)。
  【定位】由题干中的curriculum at Harlem Village Academies和tested定位到原文E)段第一句:It looks like a classic liberal—arts curriculum,where math, writing are not the only subjects taught.Even if the state focuses its testing on those things,we do not let the state dictate our curriculum.
  【精解】由定位句可知,数学、阅读和写作是经常被测试的科目,但哈勒姆村庄学校不是只包含这些科目,他们不会让考试牵着鼻子走。题干中的not only includes the subject frequently tested是对原文中are not the only subjects taught和do not let the state dictate our curriculum的同义转述,故答案为E)。
  【定位】由题干中的a national influence on policy and teaching methods定位到原文G)段第四句:We want to use the platform of what we’ve learned and the results that we’re produced--that our teachers have produced--to have a national influence On policy and on teaching methods.
  【精解】由定位句可知,哈勒姆村庄学校并不急于扩张,而是要利用已有的平台和成果,在政策和教学方法方面产生全国性的影响。题干中的eager对应原文中的want;exert a national influence对应原文中的have a national influence,故答案为G)。
  【定位】由题干中的Harlem Village Academies和regular public system定位到原文B)段第四句:We’re dealing with a little bit of a challenge because students enter this school from the regular public system.
  【定位】由题干中的Deborah Kermy decides to create and ran the Harlem Village Academies和current education system定位到原文A)段前两句:Deborah Kenny,CEO of the Harlem Village Academies,is frustrated with the nation’s current education system.Unlike most,though,she decided to do something about it.
  【精解】由定位句可知,黛博拉•肯尼对现行教育制度感到失望,与多数人不同的是,她决定有所行动。结合全文可知,她的行动就是创办哈勒姆村庄学校。题干中的is disappointed about对应原文中的is frustrated with,其他的内容与原文一致,故答案为A)。
  【定位】由题干中的Charter schools are nminly criticized和professionals定位到原文F)段第一句:I'd say that the main criticisms are stern rning from the fact that in a charter system the teachers able not unionized,and they’re treated as professionals instead of as manual laborers.
  【精解】由定位句可知,对于这一新兴的教育体系的大多数批评来自于一个事实,即这里把老师当作职业人士,而不是体力劳动者。题干中的are mainly criticized for对应原文中的main criticisms are stemming from,故答案为F)。
  【定位】由题干中的challenges,Harlem Village Academies和mastery of the basics定位到原文B)段第七句:So we have to accelerate their mastery of the basics,but we reject the idea that if you do that you Can’t teach that at a high level.

   Section C   Passage One 答案解析
  46.[B] 从文章第3句“手语提供了一种新方法,用以探索大脑如何产生和理解语言,并为一个长期以来的科学争端——语言(连同语法)究竟是我们与生俱来的,还是一种我们后天学会的行为——提出了新的解释”可以看出,这是对语言的性质的传统观点的挑战,即B .A错在learning,文章并不是在讨论语言的学习,而是语言的产生和理解;C为简单原词干扰D;中的an attempt to clarify misunderstanding是对throw new light on an old scientific controversy的曲解,因为controversy不等于misunderstanding.另外,第1段最后一句中的rebel“反叛”一词也与B中的“挑战”一致。
  47.[C] 根据第1段最后一句可知,选C.题干中的was stimulated相当于原文中的has roots in.
  48.[B] 根据第3段第2—4句以及最后一段第3句,可知B为答案。前者提出猜想(Might deaf people actually have a genuine language?),后者含有一个同位语 his idea that signed languages are natural languages.
  49.[D] 根据最后一段第4句,可知D正确。D中的only exist in the form of speech sounds是对原文中be based on speech的同义表达。
  50.[D] 根据文章最后一句,可知D正确。D中的a product of the brain是对原文中brain stuff的同义表达。B中的derived from错误,因为Stokoe认为sign language就是一种natural language.
 Section C   Passage Two 答案解析 
  51.[C] 事实细节题。根据文中第2段第3、4句的具体说明以及第3段末句的概括说明“我将成为一个完整的工程师:集理性的技术天才和感性的人文学者于一体。”可知C正确。
  52.[A] 事实推理题。由文章第2段第4句“我想通过与非理工科的同学的相互交往来开阔我的视野”,可推断出A正确。其他均无原文依据或断章取义。
  53.[B] 事实推理题。第3段最后一句说,“我将成为一个完整的工程师:集技术天才和人文学者于一体”,B“成为视野宽阔的技术天才”与原文相符,故选B.A、C、D均无原文支持或断章取义。
  54.[D] 事实推理题。根据第4段第2句“我的崇髙理想与现实发生了冲突”,以及下文对于作者在协调文理科之间的困难可知,原文的想法是不现实的,故可推断D正确。
  55.[B] 词义理解题。they—般指代前一句话中的复数名词,根据最后一段的第1、2句“…engineering and the liberal arts simply don‘t mix as easily…together they threaten to confuse”可以推断,they指的是engineering and the liberal arts.
  Part IV Translation ( 30 minutes ) 汉译英 15%=106.5分
  中国菜(cuisine)是中国各地区、各民族各种菜肴的统称,也指发源于中国的烹饪方式。中国菜历史悠久, 流派(genre)众多,主要代表菜系有“八大菜系”。每一菜系因气候、地理、历史、烹饪技巧和生活方式的差异而风格各异。中国菜的调料(seasoning)丰富多样,调料的不同是形成地方特色菜的主要原因之一。中国菜强调色、香、味俱佳,味是菜肴的灵魂。中国饮食文化博大精深,作为世界三大菜系之一的中国菜,在海内外享有盛誉。
  Chinese cuisine is a general term for the variousfoods from diverse regions and ethnic groups ofChina.It also refers to cooking styles originating fromChina.With a long history, Chinese cuisine has anumber of different genres,the main representativesof which are "Eight Cuisines".Every cuisine is distinctive from one another due to thedifferences in climate,geography, history,cooking techniques and lifestyle.Chinese cuisinecontains a rich variety of seasonings,which is one of main factors contributing to differentlocal special dishes.Chinese cuisine lays emphasis on the perfect combination ofcolor,flavor,and taste,and the soul of the dishes in taste.Chinese cuisine culture is extensiveand profound,and Chinese cuisine,one of the Three World Cuisines,enjoys a reputation homeand abroad.
  1.第一句话的汉语由两个分句组成,句子较长,在译成英文时,可把它拆分成两句。“也指发源于中国的烹饪方式”可单独译成一句also refers to cooking styles originating fromChina,这样可以更好的体现两句的并列关系。
  2.第二句话由三个分句组成。翻译时将“中国菜流派众多”译为主句,“历史悠久”用with a history of...来表达,“主要代表菜系有…”则用非限制性定语从句表示。这样可以使译文结构紧凑,句式多样。
  3.第三句中的“风格各异”可以用be distinctive from表达,比用have different styles更地道。