Decision 2
Julia: I just don't know what to do. I'm scared I'll mess up our whole performance!
Albert: Really? But you've been practicing a lot.
Julia: I know, but I still don't feel ready to perform. I might forget the steps! Or fall down!
Albert: Do you really think that will happen?
Julia: Maybe. I'm the worst dancer on the team!
Albert: I'm sure that's not true.
Julia: It is.(pause) I know! The day of the performance, I'll pretend I'm really sick and can't dance.
Albert: Isn't that a mean thing to do to your team?
Julia: I don't think so. They can do it without me. And that's better than me messing up their performance!

Word bank
Stage fright (n) 怯场
I don't want to be in the play. I get stage fright easily.
Come up (v) 到;来临
I have a big math test coning up nest week. I'd better study!
Commit (v) 做出保证;承诺
I don't know if I should join that club. I don't think I can commit that much time to it.
Better off (idiom)情况较佳
I'm glad Sam isn't dating Kathy anymore. He's better off without her.
Mess up (v) 搞砸
I really messed up on my test, so I only got 68 percent.
Pretend (v) 假装
My niece Ellie likes to pretend she's a princess.
Routine (n) 一套固定的舞步(或动作)
We repeated our dance routine three times in class today.
Go over (v) 研究;复习
Let's go over our new vocabulary words to make sure we remember them all.

More information
Step (n) 舞步
This dance is hard. The steps are really difficult.
Taiwan's king of Baseball

Talk about it:


1.Have you ever had stage fright?How did you deal with it?

2.If you were Julia, what would you do?


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