【Haunted House】

Some community centers or businesses may also create haunted houses. A haunted house has a path through a series of rooms that are filled with pictures, sounds and scenes made to scare the visitor. There are also people in costume hidden around the haunted house, waiting to jump out and scare the visitor. Haunted houses are usually very dark, with creepy music playing and candles everywhere, and are sometimes inspired by horror movies or ghost stories.
Alison告诉虎虎说,美国也会有那种游乐园啊之类的地方,在万圣节开鬼屋——就是黑漆漆的某个地方突然有个人跳出来大叫一声什么的~好玩的是有人会把自己家里变成鬼屋,自己装成鬼然后邀请朋友过来玩哦。虎虎还很好奇地问,如果哪个镇上真的有传说中的鬼屋,那么人们会不会特意选万圣节这天去探险呢?Alison的回答是:No。一般来说这种荒废了的无主鬼屋,外人是不能进去的,所以那啥啥鬼屋探险之类的,it's just Hollywood。(虎虎内心OS:看来自己是被电影误导了ORZ……)

【Halloween Party】

Many university students and adults like to attend Halloween parties because they get to dress up in costumes and see their friends in costume. The host decorates his or her house with things like jack-o-lanterns, bats, mummies, black cats, and cobwebs draped over tables and furniture. There are also lots of Halloween-themed snacks and drinks. Some Halloween parties have music and dancing, while others may just be places to get together with friends and chat. Many parties have a costume contest, where the guest with the best costume gets awarded a prize. Costumes can be anything—from scary things like vampires, zombies and witches, to fantasy characters like fairies and angels. Dressing up as an animal is also very popular, along with occupations or famous people in history. Sometimes people dress to match each other in a set of costumes, like characters from the same movie.

Halloween parties are also held at places like community centers, bars, clubs, restaurants and university campuses. People can come to dance, drink and show off their costumes.

If people do not want to dress up and go to a party, it is also common to get together with friends and watch scary movies. After all, someone needs to stay home to hand out candy to the trick-or-treaters!

前面说15岁以下的孩子会去挨家挨户敲门要糖果,那么15岁以上的孩子呢?就是参加Halloween party了!在美剧中也经常看到人们穿着各种服装去参加这种万圣节party,在自己家里开party的话,主人往往会用到蝙蝠、木乃伊、蜘蛛网等道具点缀,以营造万圣节的气氛。那么是不是大家都得打扮成吸血鬼啊狼人啊这样的造型呢?其实万圣节party也就和一般的化装舞会差不多哦,任何造型都OK,恐怖系的当然也有,但是大家还会装扮成公主、天使、兔子小熊等各种动物,所以并不是全走哥特风——根据Alison的说法,这种party完全木有哥特或者黑暗系的感觉~大家还会评选最佳造型呢!透漏一下,Alison还曾经打扮成白雪公主哦!



说了这么多,你对万圣节的了解有没有多一点呢?虎虎俺现在觉得这万圣节就是变相的狂欢节么,什么evil spirit之类,都只是飘出来打个酱油的吧~~既然这样,那么大家南瓜节就好好玩吧!还想了解更多万圣节有趣的知识,请看我们的【万圣节专题】>>