385. The awfully awkward warship is warned not to be awarded war reward.

385. 那艘非常拙劣的军舰受到不给予战争报酬的警告。

386. Afterwards, I went toward the yard and looked upward, downward, inward, outward, forward and backward.

386. 后来我走向院子,向上下内外前后看。

387. The bright fighter is frightened and flies upright in straight line from the right.

387. 那架明亮的战斗机受到惊吓后呈直线地从右边垂直飞起来。

388. I slightly delight in flight in the sunlight and lightning.

388. 我有点喜欢在阳光和闪电中飞行。

389. Money will be tight overnight after tonight's midnight.

389. 银根将在今晚午夜之后一下紧缩。

390. The sightseer speaks highly of the highway with sigh.

390. 观光者叹息着盛赞这条公路。

391. At the agency, the aged agent is urgently urged to go for surgery by the gentle surgeon.

391. 在办事处,温和的外科医生急切地催促年老的代理商做外科手术。

392. If you carry the cabinet of cabbage garbage to the garage, you'll get an average wage.

392. 如果你把这橱柜包菜垃圾扛进了汽车库,你将获得一份平均工资。

393. The villagers in rage caused a tragedy on the cage-like stage.

393. 狂怒的村民在笼子形的舞台上制造了一场悲剧。

394. It is imaginable that breaking the engagement will damage his image.

394. 可以想象,违反婚约将损害他的形象。

395. The extra theme of the supreme scheme is an extreme secret.

395. 至高无上的计划的额外主题是个极端机密。

396. No extraordinary disorder happens on the orderly border.

396. 在有序的边界上没有发生不寻常的混乱。

397. The wordy lord left his sword on the world.

397. 多话的君主把他的剑留在了世界上。

398. According to the record, the cord was the oldest recorder the people could afford.

398. 据记载,绳子是人们用得起的最古老的记录器。

399. Moreover, the new government overlooked the governor over the oven.

399. 而且,新政府忽视了炉子上方的州长。

400. In the discussion I discovered that the lost cover was recovered.

400. 在讨论中我发现盖子失而复得。

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