218. This section about insects is written by a respectable specialist.

218. 关于昆虫的这一节是由一位可敬的专家撰写的。

219. I assure the injured jury that a sure insurance is ensured.

219. 我让受伤的陪审团确信一笔有把握的保险得到的确保。

220. My durable endurance made me endure the injury during insurance.

220. 我持久的忍耐力使我忍受了保险期间的伤害。

221. I can't endure the leisured man's measures for the treasures in the treasury.

221. 我不能容忍那个悠闲男子对金库财宝采取的措施。

222. In the exchange the oranges are arranged into strange ranges.

222. 在交易所里橙子被排成奇怪的行。

223. The ashtray, splashed with ash, crashed with a clash in a flash while being washed.

223. 那个溅有灰尘的烟灰盘在清洗时咣当一声一下子摔碎了。

224. He dashed to smash the fashionable ashtray with cash.

224. 他猛冲过去用现金砸那个流行的烟灰盘。

225. I feel a bit of bitterness for his ambitious exhibition.

225. 我为他雄心勃勃的展览感到一点点触痛。

226. On the orbit, the rabbits habitually inherited the merits of the inhabitants.

226. 在轨道上,兔子习惯性地继承了居民们的优点。

227. Her rejoicing voice is void of something avoidable.

227. 她那令人高兴的声音缺少某种可避免的东西。

228. I prefer the preferable preference you referred to in the reference books.

228. 我更喜欢你在参考书中提到的那个更可取的优先权。

229. The specialist specifically specified a special pacific means especially.

229. 专家特地明确指定了一种和解的特殊方法。

230. The speculator specifically specified the specification of this species

230. 投机者特地指定了这种物种标本的规范。

231. I'm to be punished for publishing his bad reputation to the public of the republic.

231. 我因将他的坏名声公布给共和国的公众将受到惩罚。

232. The drug trafficker is concerned about the condition of the traditional concert.

232. 毒品贩子担心传统音乐会的状况。

233. It's a fable that the cable enables the disabled man to be able to walk.

233. 电缆使得残疾人能够行走是天方夜谭。

234. The problem is that those who are out of jobs probably rob.

234. 问题是那些失业者们可能行劫。

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