1.The/U.S. gas/white market could ease rigidities in the system and help fend off black markets.——Newsweek, February 3, 1975, p. 28

“黑市”是针对“正式市场”、“官方市场”而言的。但由于“黑市”之使用达到一定的频率,就需要一个同“黑市”相应的通俗语来称呼长达四音节的“正式市场”。于是汉语和英语中就不约而同地出现了“白市”和“white market”这样的词。下列中,“white market”就是同“black market”相对而言的。

2.Last week the Administration disclosed the details of its proposed emergency rationing plan. Each registered vehicle would be limited to a fixed number of gallons per week, and any driver who did not use his quota could sell his ration coupons on a "white market".——Time, December 17, May 1980, p

正如有了“开门”和“关门”之后出现了“半开门”这个词一样,按理在有了“黑市”和“白市”之后也该来了“灰市”才好。应该承认,在这一点上,英语确实要比汉语发展得快——汉语尚无“灰市” 一词,而英语中的“gray market”却早已出现了。

3.The only unfaked enthusiasm/of the Russians/is for Western rock tapes, obtained On the gray market.——Harpers, March 1976. p.

严格地说,黑市、白市的分界线在于是否合法。既然非法市场与合法市场互为反义,而黑白亦互为反义;那么比照以“黑市”称非法市场,当然要以“白市”称合法市场了。可见,从“black market”到“white market”直到“gray market”的发展,也是类比构词法(word formation by analogy)的一个实例。