3. Why was the FBI operation called "Abscam"?
3. 为什么FBI把此项行动称为“阿伯斯坎(Abscam)”?

As we probed the American Hustle true story, we quickly learned that the FBI sting operation that was nicknamed Abscam is a contraction of Abdul Scam, which refers to the phony company set up by the FBI, Abdul Enterprises.
在深入了解《美国骗局》背后真实的历史故事时,我们很快就发现了FBI突击行动的代号“阿伯斯坎(Abscam)”的由来。Abscam其实是Abdul Scam的缩写,它是FBI建立的一间虚假公司,即阿卜杜勒集团(Abdul Enterprises)。

4. Was Mel Weinberg paid for helping the FBI?
4. 梅尔·温伯格协助FBI有报酬吗?

Yes. With regard to the American Hustle true story, not only did Melvin Weinberg avoid a three-year prison sentence, he was paid $150,000 of taxpayers' money for helping to stage and execute the Abscam operation. This was also due to the fact that after he had helped the FBI with the four cases he agreed to as part of his deal to avoid jail time, they offered to pay him to stay on and help them with Abscam. -60 Minutes

5. What role did Mel Weinberg play in the Abscam operation?
5. 梅尔·温伯格在阿伯斯坎行动中扮演了怎样的角色?

Like Christian Bale's character in the American Hustle movie, the real Irving Rosenfeld, Mel Weinberg, was instrumental in staging the Abscam operation. He assisted the FBI in selecting potential targets and contacted a variety of individuals to tell them that his principals (in this case the concocted Arab sheik) were looking to invest large sums of money in exchange for various political favors.

6. Why was the Abscam operation so controversial?
6. 为什么阿伯斯坎行动争议性很大?

Abscam generated controversy in part due to the lengths that the FBI went to in order to ensnare its targets. This included the use of the "sting" technique and allowing Melvin Weinberg, a known con man and informant, to be involved in selecting the targets. Questions emerged about whether the undercover tactics used, including the creation of attractive criminal scenarios, led to entrapment. In the end, the courts upheld all of the convictions on appeal, even though some judges scrutinized the FBI's strategies and lack of FBI and DOJ supervision. Abscam was considered a success by the FBI, despite the controversy.

Others wanted more oversight and in the wake of Abscam, U.S. Attorney Benjamin Civiletti issued "The Attorney General Guidelines for FBI Undercover Operations" ("Civiletti Undercover Guidelines") on January 5, 1981, which formally laid down ground rules regarding procedures necessary to carry out undercover operations. Congressional hearings were held to discuss Civiletti's guidelines, at which time concerns were expressed over the undercover agents' involvement in illegal activity, the prospect of damaging the reputations of innocent civilians, the possibility of entrapping individuals, and the opportunity to undermine legitimate rights to privacy. Ultimately, these concerns led to at least three more sets of stricter guidelines being issued in the years that followed.
阿伯斯坎行动曝光之后,有人建议应加强对FBI的监管力度。1981年1月5日,美国司法部长本杰明·希弗莱蒂下发了“总检察长联邦调查局的秘密行动准则” ( “希弗莱蒂卧底准则” ),明确了进行秘密行动的正式的必要程序。国会听证会开会讨论了希弗莱蒂卧底准则,当时引起关注的有使用曾进行犯罪活动的卧底,损害无辜公民的名誉、诱使无辜个人犯罪、无视个人隐私权的可能性。最终,这些关注的问题使得三套更为严格的行动准则在之后几年陆续颁发。——