沪江口语资料“绝密版” 免费赠送活动进行中

1.-What's wrong with showing a little cleavage, anyway?
-Be mysterious. Less is more.

2.Are you on good terms with your husband's ex-wife's husband?
——on good terms with sb与某人关系好。看来家长间的关系也够复杂的。

3.-Does he ever take an afternoon off?
-He does. He plays golf on Wednesday afternoon, and I cover for him. And on Thursday afternoons, I take off, so here I am.
——cover for sb本意是代班,最好不要理解成替人掩盖,蒙混过关,这种翻译应该是按照具体情况加了遐想意译了吧。
take off请假

4.It's a school requirement. They just haven't caught up with us yet.
——catch up with sb 赶上,被学校的要求赶上,就是被抓到的意思。

5.Here, picked something up for you at the gas station. Free with fill-up.

6.-I really wanna kiss her like a man kisses a woman.
-Or like a guy kisses a bear in drag.
——in drag 男子穿着女装,这里是指那个狗熊玩具充当了接吻联系的女伴。和Cross-dressing 不同,in drag是指由于某种外在原因,比如表演,而穿着异性的服装,而cross-dressing是指在需要用变装来获得或者维持transgender identity,从而穿着异性服装的。而a drag queen通常是指为了一些外在原因而打扮成女人的男人。transgender 有时也会和 gay culture关联起来。

7.Yeah, well, don't go spreading that around. It might ruin my reputation.
——spread around宣传, 这里是说一个假装风流的优等生,担心自己的好成绩会毁了自己的名声。

8.So what, do you proposition every guy you talk to?
——proposition 向谁提议,向谁调情。这里的意思是后者。
