Tyler来祝Caroline生日快乐,他知道Caroline已经不可能和自己在一起了,他也很希望能把Caroline 放在第一位,但是他无法控制自己,只能对Klaus忠诚...

不用标序号,连着写就行了哈~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻...




Caroline: ——1——

Tyler: I know you're upset with me.

Caroline: Upset?

Tyler: But I...

Caroline:——2—— And before you ask me to understand or to support you, can you at least tell me what you're planning to do about your sire bond to Klaus?

Tyler: ——3—— Even though I want to put you first, before anyone... I can't. I'll never be able to. And I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I just wanted you to know that.

Caroline: I'm sorry, too.

Tyler: Happy birthday.

I can't talk to you. You almost got Jeremy killed. There's nothing that I can do about it, Caroline. That's the point. I just wanted you to know that I understand why you can't be with me.
Caroline: 我没法跟你交谈。 Tyler: 我知道你因为我很心烦 Caroline:心烦? Tyler:但是我。 Caroline:你差点就杀了Jeremy,还有你之前让我理解或者支持你。你能至少告诉我关于你与Klaus的血缘关系,有什么计划吗? Tyler:关于这点我真没什么可以做的,Caroline。这就是关键。我只是想让你知道... 我明白你为什么不能跟我在一起。尽管我想把你放在第一位,放在任何人的前面,我没法控制。我永远也做不到。还有我很抱歉,真的很抱歉。我就是想让你知道这个。 Caroline:我也很抱歉。 Tyler:生日快乐。