Michiel Huisman might just have as many alter egos as Orphan Black's protagonist Sarah.
Michiel Huisman很可能同《黑色孤儿》的女主人公Sarah一样有多面人格。

The actor, who can currently be seen on Nashville and will appear on the upcoming season of Game of Thrones, has landed a recurring role on Orphan Black, BBC America announced Friday.

Huisman will play Carl Morrison, a rugged, resourceful outdoorsman with surprising emotional depth and a sixth sense about people and situations — skills that will come in handy when he comes in contact with the clones.
Huisman将会扮演Carl Morrison,一位不修边幅但是很机智的野外活动者,同时也有着令人惊讶的情绪感知深度以及对于人和环境的敏锐第六感——在他和克隆人打交道时这种第六感十分有用。

Nikita alums Peter Outerbridge and Ari Millen have also landed recurring roles on the series. Outerbridge will pop up as Henrik "Hank" Johanssen, a modern-day cowboy who leads a flock of followers that have broken away from the old world "Prolethean" brotherhood. Under his vision, the divide between science and religion has merged to form a powerful new threat.
《尼基塔》的演员Peter Outerbridge和Ari Millen也会在此剧中出演常驻角色。Outerbridge将会以Henrik "Hank" Johanssen的身份突然出现,他是一个现代牛仔,带领着一群追随者从旧世界的"Prolethean"兄弟会中脱离了出去。在他眼中,科学和宗教之间的分流终将会成为一股新的强大威胁力。

Millen has been cast in the role of Mark, a cunning predator with a darkness to him. Mark is utterly devoted to Johanssen, who took him in and made him a true believer.

Season 2 of the hit series will find Sarah desperately racing to find her missing daughter.