内容提要:Michael装疯卖傻混入了精神病犯人区,他试图让曾经的室友Haywire帮他补全因烫伤而失去的背部纹身...... 这个疯子到底能不能想起来呢?

参与方式:看Prison Break片段,将下面的空格部分补充完整。

Haywire: You should be careful when you tell people to remember things, Michael. Because I remember everything now. I remember how you set me up! How you smashed your own head and had me sent back here. I also... remember this. The pathway, your map, your escape.
Scofield: Give me that. Don't, Don't …
Haywire: Now,           1          or do you tell me exactly where and when you're doing this?
Scofield: It starts in the basement.
Haywire: Okay.
Scofield: This line leads from a hatch in the coal room to this pipe system here. And that runs to the infirmary. That's how we'll get out. I just need to get out of Psych Ward to set things up. Three days after I'm gone, I'll come back up through the basement and get you out.
Haywire: You're just telling me what I want to hear.
Scofield: No, I'm not. I need you to let me get us out of here. I need you to trust me.

Haywire:            2           , I'll kill you.


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