Topic19. 电话里听到的好消息(exciting news)

PART3:现代科技的好处? 学生使用现代通讯工具的坏处;年轻人和老人的交流是否存在代沟;Does technology makes message different? What is the difference of message usage between young people and old people? In what way can message get to the public? do you use internet? What about your parents? What about your grandparents? Say sth. about communication skills. What’s the difference of old and young people's talk on a same thing? Face to face and sending message, which one is better? (Why you think is face to face?) What’s the difference between fact-to-face and using telephone? Talk about some communication skills. How to be a good communicator? What’s the difference between letter and email/cell phone? Do you think letter will be replaced by email/cell phone?

Topic20. a thing you made


Topic21. 一种wild animal

PART3:Do you like zoos? Why does each city have a zoo? What are the benefits of having a zoo in the city? What characteristics should a good zoo have? Why don’t some people like zoos? What will zoos be like in the future? Is it right for people to put animals in the zoos, isn’t this bad for them? How should the government maintain the operation of the zoos?

Topic22. Describe a movie

PART3:Do Chinese people enjoy seeing films?(What type of movies do Chinese people like to see?) Would you like to see films in the theater or at home? Do movies have any educational effects? Are cartoons only suitable for children to watch? What are the differences between seeing movies at the theater and at home? How have the movies for children changed in the past 10 years? 相比而言,好的故事和好的演员,哪个重要?violence & sex电影对小孩来说有什么影响?电视节目内容是否该限制;

Topic23. describe a special meal

PART3:中国人买菜的习惯如何?你家谁做饭?Do you think children should learn to cook; Should school have some courses about cook; 为什么supermarket 在中国受欢迎;你觉得去STORE方面还是去supermarket方便;随着超市越来越多,is this a problem to some small shops;你觉得中国人会改变消费观吗;政府可以做些什么让人们吃健康的食物?Where do Chinese people get traditional food;

Topic24. (你不喜欢的) TV program

PART3:What kinds of TV programs are popular in China? 你觉得最近几年时间,电视节目都有些什么变化呢?你觉得这些变化都是好的吗?What TV programs young people like to watch? Why? 什么电视节目有教育意义?有什么教育意义?What’s the bad influence of TV programs on children? 你觉得学校里应该播放电视节目么?对国家对电视节目的管理有何看法?Are TV programs as important as other media like radio or internet? What will TV programs be in the future? Will it be replaced by other media?

Topic25. 现代建筑

PART3:喜欢现代建筑还是古典的? (Do you like modern buildings or old buildings?) 博物馆存在的意义;如果为了建现代的建筑而把以前的老建筑拆掉(Do you think it is right to demolish the old buildings in order to build the new ones?);建筑的外形很重要吗(It’s the shape of building important?)新老建筑的区别? (What are the differences between the modern buildings and old buildings?)你的家乡有什么现代的建筑(What kind of modern buildings does your hometown have?)地震对新老建筑的影响是什么(What are the influences of the earthquake on old buildings?)政府在建设上花的钱会不会太多了(Do you think the government has spent too much money on construction?);现代建筑和古代建筑你更喜欢哪个?为什么?你觉得有些古代建筑需要保存吗?你觉得建立政府建筑和吸引游客的建筑重要吗?

Topic26. 一个你曾经和你居住过的人

PART3:人相处的方式如何;你觉得怎样与人相处;你是个很好相处的人吗;changes of relationship;你会选择和怎样的人住一起;和一个人一直保持友谊到老难不难;为什么有的人想要一个人住;和家里人住在一起的好处和坏处;

Topic27. a (childhood)book

PART3:What do you think is a suitable age for children to start to learn to read;the influence on reading on the Internet;whether different age group have different reading material;什么年龄小孩可以开始读书;小时候读的书对以后有什么影响;如果小孩不喜欢读书而喜欢玩电脑,有什么方法能让他们读书;有些家长直接关了电脑,你觉得这个方法怎么样;对E—book有什么看法

Topic28. toy

PART3:女孩子喜欢玩什么?男孩子呢;你觉得现在儿童的玩具是否太多;这是好还是不好呢;What do you think about the toys now? What are the popular toys nowadays in china? Do you think it is good for the parents to buy a lot of toys for their kids? Do you think children should be taught to share their toys with other kids?

Topic29. 一个你熟悉的他人家庭

Topic30. 描述一个节日

Topic31. 散步

PART3:Do you have a good time with your neighbor? How did you know them? Do you think in China the leisure time is more than working time or working time is more than leisure time, why? What do you think about shifts work? (Day shift or night shift) What’s the positive and negative of shifts work? What’s your major? Do you feel interested in your major? Do you think we should drive to work? What are the positive effects of having a walk, physically and mentally? What about negative ones?

Topic32. Describe an Chinese/Foreign artist

PART3:What do you think is the most popular art forms in China? Why do you think music form is popular comparing with painting? Is it useful for children to study art? How do they study? Does every student in school have to lean art and literature? What changes do you have when you studied art and literature in university?

Topic33. an exciting sport

PART3:你怎么看到危险游戏?政府是不是因该限制一下这些活动?什么样的运动节目能够在电视上看到?你的朋友或家人喜欢运动吗;看电视里的体育运动能exciting吗;长时间看电视节目是不是不利于身体健康?为什么人们喜欢危险的运动;这和他们的性格有关系么;政府做什么能减少危险;Should students do sports in school? How can sports be benefit for heath? How can sports help education? Some one is good at sports but bad educated, someone is well educated but cannot do sports well. Explain why and state your opinion?

Topic34. Describe the changes in the city

PART3:What does the government ask people to do? What about in the village? Is there any new governmental policy? What is different in cities of Australia and your country? Should people have the right to ask to change things they find uncomfortable in cities? What are the urgent needs of people in cities?


A long journey/long distance travel

A relaxing day after your work or study

Describe a day you spent outside

An important help from your friend

Describe a trip with friends

Describe a shopping experience

Your favorite job

A skill or technique you learned from the computer

A happy/funny story you heard

A new technology that you use to communicate, such as mobile phone or email

A gift

Your favorite way of transportation