

irritate commitment reservation award farewell ferry miserable recruited  flee    neutral     tribute


第一篇:deficiency modest shortfall evaluate rigorous clinical trials figure out folate  somewhat  somehow  substitute 

第二篇:portend converse downturn rebound cloudy reverse psychological 

第三篇:by virtue of   historical  historic shield commited commitment capitalist trait  untenable

第四篇:simulate trech envisage feedback invasive attach to probe track tumor maneuvered

2003年6月 来源://cet.hjenglish.com 


subscrible to issue   semester   collapse  nest eggshell hatch bald speed up pest artificial


第一篇:conviction integral silly nonetheless onetime drag on incomprehensible dully monotone  priesthhood merit haltingly thumb-worn  来源://cet.hjenglish.com 

第二篇:len defect optical astronomical wave-front tracks laser aluminum deficiency  transparent leaf tentative  transmit  来源://cet.hjenglish.com 

第三篇:actually hunt down nasty beast pentrate antisocial steal influential inhabitants

第四篇:in view of proportionately attain swamp be better off taxpayer  in part


听力部分: 来源://cet.hjenglish.com 

casual   refrain   no better than   seal  leave his body kind-hearted   scenery   grave selfish


第一篇:greed   tree-lined purer reccession secf-conscious fictional dramatize   anti-bussiness   ground  fuel  来源://cet.hjenglish.com 

第二篇:flock portray taxpayer spur funding coincidence decline trim extracurricular  rally

第三篇:diplomatic unprecedented   rash     in part    undercut     sue for    negligence   commission recommendation issue slice pie

第四篇:retail   tituals   ego   pillar   embedd   prevalent  severity unalterably spoil  blessing terms  time-honored  integrity sacrifice somehow somewhat nollow fruitlessly psychological infinitely herd cease noticeably


household host minimize beyond eruption  来源://cet.hjenglish.com 

阅读理解部分: 来源://cet.hjenglish.com 

第一篇:stuck shot up radically give rise to convene ponder midst illuminating geological astronomical stretch back rise up implications summit vary go through

第二篇:attribute to embodies  be deemed as  virtue actually slip into consequently track  go off the track  flesh repellent refain deadly  sin salvation  be fueled by  corrilates overall prevailing trend obsession rid

第三篇:hostility secf-presenvation convention take a leading role in ritual commit commitment  recommitment difused fusse appatatus supreme  来源://cet.hjenglish.com 

第四篇:ethnic shed  in terms of  subsequent


听力部分: 来源://cet.hjenglish.com 

crash definitely apply for/to stuff depoist shuttle flexible terms territoty offspring tame

阅读理解部分: 来源://cet.hjenglish.com 

第一篇:impressive antenna pin down wheel-speed meter ujunction reception parameter  vary 

第二篇:legitimate actually tripled tretty toxic ingenious terms fluctuate stumble

第三篇:evaluate reverse facilatating  vary  fluctuation

第四篇:loose superficail kin ship yet dweller counterpart outlook  leftist


manual dishwasher restrain shed irritating stuff toss

阅读理解部分: 来源://cet.hjenglish.com 

第一篇:summon curl farewell moreover  yet  casual   concession cluster  other than get by  play a singificant role in

第二篇:outwar deception downfall myth pose sake trip messy be scared away  eadly  accessories deformed ankle crack swollen  aching 

第三篇:overwhelming perception simutaneous intuition voilate render tribute prose bleak  adolescents  来源://cet.hjenglish.com 

第四篇:vary glory muscle imperative  other than compel reddish destine justify stake issue mount concrete prevalence