

Part A: Spot Dictation//tr.hjenglish.com/

1. giving me the chance 2. standards and reputations of this university
3. important anniversary 4. on a trip
5. confront centuries of suspicion 6. vastly different governments
7. mutual respect 8. exchanged many handshakes
9. citizens of both countries 10. great and enduring civilization
11. scholarship and honor 12. most dynamic and creative
13. on a rising path 14. strong, peaceful and prosperous
15. see a clear picture 16. our own making
17. strength of American commerce 18. monetary success
19. have our faults 20. ideals of equality and justice

PART B: Listening Comprehension

1. C 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. D
6. D 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. A
11. A 12. B 13. D 14. A 15. B
16. C 17. C 18. B 19. D 20. D

Section 2: Reading Test

1. D 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. C
6. B 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. C
11. C 12. A 13. C 14. D 15. D
16. D 17. D 18. C 19. C 20. A


      日韩两国举办世界杯,是想借足球之名,行天下善事、促本国发展。激烈的比赛着实让球迷过足了瘾,可比赛才举行半个月,行善一事就泡了汤,拉动经济发展的效果也微乎其微。没 几个球迷愿意为与比赛无关的消费填单,这实在出乎人们意料。在日本,比赛场内座位半空,而场外则人满为患,没票入场。日本首相 此尴尬不已,命令官方介入,调查票务丑闻。韩国足联宣布,每场比赛亏损高达80万美元,进而威胁起诉票务代理Byrom 没能及时印制发送球票。

      日韩两国都想借世界杯在国内外所收益,这可能是因为两国仍沉醉于1964年东京奥运会和1988年汉城奥运会。日本长期受到经济停滞不前的影响,迫切重振往日雄风。而韩国则寄希望于世界杯稳步摆脱1997 年亚洲经济危机影响,重塑亚洲强国地位。他们的如意算盘是:得巨资更新设备,迎巨大游客群体,借世界杯赛,向全球电视观众展示日韩两国雄风。


Part A: Note-taking and Gap-filling //tr.hjenglish.com/

1. health 2. stress
3. family 4. strange
5. preparation 6. work
7. burglars 8. hotels
9. short 10. midsummer
11. disastrous 12. peace
13. personal 14. disappointment
15. kill 16. batteries
17. anxious 18. secure
19. spending 20. difficult

Part B: Listening and Translation
I. Sentence Translation

1.   The university is not simply turning out specialists, it is preparing citizens. And citizens are not spectators in the affairs of their country, they are participants in its future.

2.   The Canadian economy is expected to enjoy a steady growth for the remainder of the year and into 2003, with unemployment lowered from 5% to 3.5%, and inflation kept under control.

3.   We have got people living in poverty, but as I mentioned, our government is very generous in the amounts of money we spent trying to help people help themselves, for example, 26 billion dollars for this year alone.

4.   We have just concluded some very candid and positive talks. It is true that I invited the president to visit the United States next fall. It is true that he accepted my invitation. //tr.hjenglish.com/

5.   China, as a full member of the WTO, will now be a full partner in the global trading system and will have the right and responsibility to fashion and enforce the rules of open trade.

II. passage translations
1.   High school and college students in the United States today have one important question about their futures: will they find a job if they graduate? There is no easy answer, of course. But let’s look at some of the recent changes in the US job market. The most important change has been the shift from a manufacturing economy to a service economy. A service economy is one in which most workers provide services, like pumping gas into people’s cars. Service jobs include transportation and utility companies, wholesale and retail companies, finance, insurance, and real estate companies and personal services.

2.   During the past five years, the number of Americans killed annually in car accidents has climbed to more than 55 thousand. Most car accidents can be attributed to three general causes: mechanical failures, especially those related to faulty brakes and blown tyres account for significant number of fatal accidents; environmental conditions, such as narrow streets, heavy fog, intermittent rain or snow resulting in slippery roads also contribute to the accident statistics; but the most frequently reported factors in cars’accidents are errors of human judgment, such as speeding, drunken driving, and failure to signal a change from one lane to another. The man behind the wheel is often his own worst enemy. //tr.hjenglish.com/

Section 5: Reading test
1.   It is one example given by the author to introduce the topic --- it is quite naturally for a child to be bad at writing.

2.   It will be quite helpful if parents can do something --- to talk to and read to the children; to write together with the children.

3.   It is really hard to be a good writer. In our effort to teach children how to write, we should concentrate on the part of what they are thinking about instead on joining up words or spellings. In addition, the more practice the children get, the better writers they will be. //tr.hjenglish.com/

4.   McWhorter likens linguistic change to Darwin's theory of evolution, arguing that languages inevitably split into subvarieties, alter in response to environmental pressures and evolve new forms and useless features; Rather than disassociating languages from the people who speak them, Dalby takes on the difficult but equally rewarding challenge of drawing out the distinct consciousness expressed by each tongue.

5.   With each language we learn, our ability to comprehend the world is given fresh, new scope.

6.   Just like what Genghis Khan has done in his massacre, globalization is reducing all the differences between languages with English being the domination language.

7.   747, a man on the moon and the Internet used to be considered impossible, but they came into truth. Similarly, human being is sure to overcome all the problems threatening the planet.

8.   Even companies once known only for profits and pollution are having a change of heart. The various companies involved can also take some action to play their own part in the efforts made to overcome all the existing and potential problems. //tr.hjenglish.com/

9.   The nature itself will recover to normal if it is given enough care. The example is the forests outside Gombe National Park in Tanzania

10.   "Roots & Shoots" is J.G.I.'s program for youth from preschool through university. The author say that the name is "symbolic" because roots and shoots together can break up brick walls, just as citizens of Earth together can overcome our problems. //tr.hjenglish.com/

Section 6: Translation test
       After getting a house, people switch their attention to the private cars. That is just what the various Chinese banks want. With its role consolidated in the part of housing loans, these banks now focus their attention on the promising private car loans. Yesterday, the Construction Bank of China (CBC), Shanghai Branch introduced 10 preferential policies so as to win a part in the private car loans before the foreign non-financial organizations take any action.

       It has been predicted by those from the banks that the foreign non-financial organizations would probably concentrate on its convenient application procedures and preferential interest rates after they succeed in getting into the market of the private car loans. Therefore, the CBC is taking the 10 preferential policies, something developed to sharpen its edge over the foreign opponents, in an effort to raise its share in the private car loans, from 30% to 50% and even more.//tr.hjenglish.com/

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