
62. 答案:B
第一步:看题干。Why doesn't the author want to talk about being a woman scientist again?作者为何不愿意再与人讨论她作为一名女科学家的事情?
第二步:找原文。第三段“I don't talk about that anymore. It took me 10 years to get back the confidence I had at 19 and to realize that I didn't want to deal with gender issues.”我不愿意再谈论这个话题。我用了10年时间才找回我19岁那年时的自信,而且我意识到我不想再去面对有关性别的问题了。
A) She feels unhappy working in male-dominated fields.她在男性主导的领域里工作得不开心。
B) She is fed up with the issue of gender discrimination.她厌倦了讨论性别歧视的问题。
C) She is not good at telling stories of the kind.她不擅长讲故事。
D) She finds space research more important.她觉得研究宇宙科学更重要。

63. 答案:A
第一步:看题干。From Paragraph 2, we can infer that people would attribute the author's failures to_______从第二段得知,人们把作者的失败归结于什么?
第二步:找原文。“My every achievement—jobs, research papers, awards— was viewed through the lens of gender (性别) politics. So were my failures.”我的每一项成就,包括我的工作,研究报告,所获奖项,这些都被人用性别歧视的有色眼镜来看待,同样,作者作为女性科学家的失败也被贴上了性别歧视的标签。
A) the very fact that she is a woman作者是女性的事实
B) her involvement in gender politics作者参与到性别政策之中
C) her over-confidence as a female astrophysicist作者作为女性天文学家过于自信
D) the burden she bears in a male-dominated society作者在属于男性主导的科学领域所承担的压力

64. 答案:C
第一步:看题干。What did the author constantly fight against while doing her Ph.D. and post-doctoral research?作者进行博士和博士后研究时经常要对抗什么问题?
第二步:找原文。第二段“But while earning my Ph.D. at MIT and then as a post-doctor doing space research, the issue started to bother me.”“I would instantly fight fiercely on my behalf and all womankind.”当我在进行博士和博士后研究时,这些问题开始困扰我了,我不得不代表我自己和全体女性与之对抗。
A) Lack of confidence in succeeding in space science.在研究宇宙科学领域缺乏取得成功的自信
B) Unfair accusations from both inside and outside her circle.来自领域内外部的不公平的指控
C) People's stereotyped attitude towards female scientists.人们对于女科学家存在偏见的思维定势
D) Widespread misconceptions about nature and nurture对于自然和培育的广泛误解

65. 答案:D
第一步:看题干。Why does the author feel great satisfaction when talking about her class?为什么作者谈到她的班级会感到很满意?
第二步:找原文。最后一段“Recently, someone asked me how many of the 45 students in my class were women. You cannot imagine my satisfaction at being able to answer. 45. ”近来,有人问我,在我班上的45名学生中女生有几个。你想象不到我回答时有多么满意,我自豪地回答说,45个。
A) Female students no longer have to bother about gender issues.女学生不用再为性别问题而困扰了
B) Her students' performance has brought back her confidence.她的学生所取得的成就让她找回了自信
C) Her female students can do just as well as male students.她的女学生可以和男学生做得一样好
D) More female students are pursuing science than before.现在比从前有更多的女学生从事科学研究

66. 答案:C
第一步:看题干。What does the image the author presents to her students suggest?作者给她的学生展示的是什么景象?
第二步:找原文。最后一段“I have given them this: the visual of their physics professor heavily pregnant doing physics experiments.”我让她们看到,她们的物理教授大腹便便的做着物理实验。
A) Women students needn't have the concerns of her generation.女推理题学生不用担心生育的问题
B) Women have more barriers on their way to academic success.女性要想在学术上获得成功会遇到更多阻碍
C) Women can balance a career in science and having a family.女性可以在科学和家庭之间取得平衡
D) Women now have fewer problems pursuing science career.女性在追求科学事业时遇到较少的问题
