In the middle of the nineteen forties, Peter Drucker argued that the desire for profit was central to business efforts. He also warned that rising wages were harming American business. He was later invited to study General Motors. He wrote about his experiences in "The Concept of the [w]Corpo…
20世纪40年代中叶,彼得•德鲁克认为对利益的渴求是商业行为的中心。他还警示到,提升薪资是有损美国商业的。 随后,他被邀请研究通用汽车公司。他将他的经验写于《公司的概念》一书中。在这本书中,他说,不仅是经理人,处于各个阶层的工人都应该参与决策决定。 彼得•德鲁克代表思考社会与商业关系新方…