这期介绍的企业大亨是Peter Drucker,虽然现在这位老人已经与世长绝了,但他的管理哲学仍然影响着一代又一代的管理大师们。他认为企业最重要的目标是在保持原有客户的基础上,建立新客户,并且他不赞成给员工们太多的监督,应该让员工清楚地了解他们需要做什么和他们的业务是以何种标准评估的,It was management by results rather than management by supervision(这是一个由业绩决定的管理学而不是靠监督而决定的管理学,精练地点出了他的管理哲学。

Peter Drucker's first great contribution was to focus on management as a discipline in its own right.

In 'The Concept of the Corporation', Drucker explained, for the first time, how and why decentralization worked. Drucker said decentralization was good because it created small groups where people felt that their contribution was important.

In'The Effective Executive' Drucker says the purpose of a business is to create a customer and a manager's main tasks are:

- to set objectives
- to organize
- to motivate and communicate
- to measure results
- to develop people

What Drucker wanted was a workplace where workers were trusted to get on with the job without too much supervision, where they knew what they needed to do and were clear about how it would be measured and how they would be rewarded. It was management by results rather than management by supervision.

In the 'Age of Discontinuity' Drucker focused on the changes in society and how the role of the manager would change too. The main changes he examined were:

- the arrival of 'knowledge industries' employing specialised workers
- the move to a global economy
- the move towards privatization.

Finally, Drucker started examining non-profit organizations which he called the 'social sector'. These organizations, says Drucker, are better than government in solving the social problems of competitive capitalism.



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高级试题套餐包括:剑桥BEC高级真题集(第2,3辑);BEC剑桥商务英语证书高级考试仿真试卷 点击查看》