Chill out. i already picked the songs. 
Chill out 冷静

I would pop two of these blue meanies every morning and then i would be a firecracker for the rest of the day. 
meany 坏蛋 a mean or spiteful person
firecracker 爆竹/风风火火的人


Okay, you know how i'm moonlighting as a nurse?  
moonlighting是美国一部侦探题材的电视剧,叫做《蓝色月光侦探社》,也是那种靠男女主角暧昧关系发展的剧集(为什么要说“也”呢?)在十大美剧中最会瞎折腾的暧昧情侣里能找到哦>> 这里Terri用校医的身份作掩护其实是在调查她老公有没有红杏出墙的事儿。

And you're going to ask that doe-eyed little harlot to marry you.
harlot 妓女

Not when i'm just getting my sea legs.
sea legs 平衡能力 The ability to adjust one's balance to the motion of a ship, especially in rough seas.

While the boys chose a selection of songs that cast an eye inward on the irresponsible life choices and sexual hunger of today's modern teens, we have chosen a selection of songs that speaks to the nation as a whole during these troubling times filled with economic uncertainty and unbridled social woe. Because if there's two things America needs right now, that is sunshine and optimism. Also angels.

Our celebrity judge has her work cut out for her.
have your work cut out 难以定夺 have something very difficult to do

I just wanted to cut to the chase. 
cut to the chase 废话少说,切入正题 Get to the point
早期好莱坞的默片,大部分都是以追逐戏收场的,所以剧本上就会写着“cut to chase”表示切换到收尾的追逐戏场面。既然是收尾场面,自然是很重要的戏份,所以cut to chase渐渐就成了切入到重要话题的意思了。

I just wanted to clear the air. 
clear the air 澄清事实 To dispel differences or emotional tensions.

They're over-the-counter, fda-approved. 
over-the-counter 非处方药 OTC
FDA 食药监 Food and Drug Administration

