Please, sectionals is going to be a breeze. 
breeze 小菜一碟 Something, such as a task, that is easy to do
和a piece of cake意思接近。

Mustard in your cute kirk douglas chin dimple

It's gonna be a cakewalk. 
cakewalk 小菜一碟
这就小菜两碟了……够下早饭的了。其实这个词是"a piece of cake"和"a walk in the park"的综合。

But now i've got bile in my mouth and i will hold my tongue no further.
bile 胆汁/怒气,怨念
hold tongue 保持沉默 to refrain from speaking

A mash-up is when you take two songs and mash them together to make an even richer explosion of musical expression.
mash-up 串烧歌

We got this in the bag.
in the bag 稳操胜券

I'm going to start storyboarding our choreography tonight. 
storyboard 用故事画板演示

The girls look pretty pumped. 
pretty pumped 鼓足了劲

We're planning on smacking them down like the hand of god. 
hand of God 上帝之手

dear journal.

feeling listless again today.
listless 无精打采的

and i've sacrificed everything only to be shanghaied.
shanghai 【俚语】拐骗,曲解

Let me be frank./Can we talk frank?
frank 坦诚,开门见山
