20世纪90年代 1990s

炒股 speculate in stock

Investing in the stock market was the order of the day in the late 1990s after the Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges opened. Chinese used a word from cooking, "chao" (stir-fry), to describe the unstable nature of the trading, which involved keeping the shares moving (buying and selling) to keep it hot.


包二奶 keeping a mistress

Originally, Cantonese for a married man with a long-term extramarital affair, where he kept a woman by giving her money, a car, or a flat. This became more common in the late 1990s when people got rich enough to afford such costs.

包二奶的男人叫sugar daddy,“傍大款”就是 find a sugar daddy。“包养”:pay for a mistress 。“被包养”: financially dependent on a man who's having an affair with her。

2000年 2000s

小康 well-off

This refers to a standard of living that's considered relatively comfortable. It's originally from Confucius and was used by Deng for the reforms by the end of the 1980s. A well-off society would not only solve the clothing and food problems, but would also push the standard of living to a higher level, culturally and intellectually.

well-off是指具备充足的物质条件,可以过上惬意舒适的生活。按照该定义,如果说一个人well off,他就应该有自己的房子和汽车,衣食住行游,样样不用愁。

囧 sunk

This uncommon character means "brightness" in its classical sense. Around 2008, netizens brought it back to life as a perfect emoticon for online chatting. It has a look of disappointment, so it's gained a new meaning: embarrassment or awkwardness. It is also used in spoken language as an adjective. Sometimes it's used in conjunction with "orz", as "囧rz", to represent a person on hands and knees, a symbol of despair or failure.

英文当中有一些常用的词组或用法,可以表达“囧”,比如 turn red in the face,从字面意思就可看出是因为尴尬,害羞而脸红;或I just died,意思是 I was so embarrassed I really wanted to"die"。

