4. Toot Your Own Horn -- Loudly!

No one appreciates arrogance, but staying quiet about your contributions isn't wise right now. Whatever you do to move the company forward -- stay late to complete a project, have a great call with a client, train someone else in a new skill or improve your output -- make sure that your boss knows about it. Your resourcefulness and willingness to work hard are attributes most managers want to keep in-house.

John M McKee, founder and CEO of , says "Successful professionals don't wait to get noticed while they toil away on a project."
网站的创始人和CEO John M McKee说,“成功的职场人士不会在辛苦做计划的时候等待别人的赏识。”

5. Rise Up and Take Command

Amidst the devastation that layoffs leave behind, you have a unique opportunity to collect the remaining pieces and move quickly into management. As Allison Hemming, founder of The Hired Guns talent agency, says, "Be the phoenix. This could be your opportunity to rise to the top." She recommends that when departments are combined, "Take advantage of a re-shuffled deck. Management will be looking for new leaders to prevail."
在裁员留下的烂摊子中,你有一个绝好的机会来收拾残局并且快速进入管理层。一家职业中介的创办者Allison Hemming说,“做一只不死鸟吧,这可能是你走向顶峰的机会。”当部门合并时,她劝告说,“在重新洗牌的地方找个好位置,管理层会寻找新的领袖人物来领导公司走向成功。”

Plus, that way, when the company is back on its feet, you'll be a time-tested veteran who helped lead everyone through the worst of times. Your job could be more secure and well-paid than ever.

Some Layoffs Simply Are Inevitable

All advice aside, don't be too hard on yourself. Many experts agree that you can only do so much to protect yourself from a layoff. Sometimes, even your best won't be enough.

Ron Mitchell reminds you to chin up and stand proud should that moment come. "One thing this current job environment has taught us is that no one is immune to layoffs. Companies have for the past few rounds of layoffs been cutting bone not fat. They are laying off people that have been doing a good job."
Ron Mitchell提醒说,如果那一刻真的来临,鼓起精神、骄傲的站起来。“当前的工作环境教会了我们一件事,就是没有人对裁员免疫。很多公司多轮裁员之后已经削肉见骨,他们裁掉的人有很多是工作做的很好的。”



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