So when your fruitless search fills you with angst and self-doubt, always remember the following truths about job hunting:

• Job Hunting is Unfair 找工作是不公平的

The best person isn't always picked—and the playing field is rarely even. The cliché, "it's not what you know, but who you know" is extremely relevant.

There are so many ways to get passed over—and many reasons for it. A company may already have a candidate in mind, such as a proven internal applicant who represents little risk. They may hire someone who struck a chord, whose pop and polish masked his deficits. It could come down to a gut feeling. There could be political, considerations too.

Bottom line: Companies want to deal with people they know. They want to hire people they like and implicitly trust. Like all of us, their judgment is sometimes faulty. Don't view it as an indictment of you as a person.

• Decision-Makers Aren't Always on Target 决策人眼光不准

Many times, screeners are far removed from the front lines. Don't assume they are aware of industry developments. Don't assume they study what works outside their company. Most important, don't assume they are well-versed in a position's daily responsibilities and requirements. 许多时候,筛选人与一线人员相差很大。不要认为他们了解行业的发展。不要认为他们研究过企业外部的情况。最重要的一点是,不要认为他们精通某个职位的日常责任和要求。

Even more, employers don't always apply the right formula in hiring decisions. They may apply a successful organization's methodology without taking underlying variables like stage of growth into account. They may mine the company history for specific traits and success stories, without examining how positions evolve. Worst of all, they may evaluate candidates based on the values they preach, not the ones they actually practice (or vice versa).

Sometimes, hiring efforts get off track. Often, it is the candidates themselves who expose flawed suppositions during the interview process. In the end, all you can do is research, network, and be yourself. The rest takes care of itself.

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